Dual quaternions
The dual quaternions are an example of "biquaternions." They can be represented equivalently either as a dual number where both both the "primal" and "tangent" part are quaternions
\[d = q_0 + q_e \epsilon = (s_0 + a_0 i + b_0 j + c_0 k) + (s_e + a_e i + b_e j + c_e k) \epsilon\]
or as a quaternion where the scalar part and three imaginary parts are all dual numbers
\[d = s + ai + bj + ck = (s_0 + s_e \epsilon) + (a_0 + a_e \epsilon) i + (b_0 + b_e \epsilon) j + (c_0 + c_e \epsilon) k.\]
Like unit quaternions can compactly representation rotations in 3D space, dual quaternions can compactly represent rigid transformations (rotation with translation).
Without any special glue code, we can construct a dual quaternion by composing ForwardDiff.Dual
and Quaternion
; this uses the second representation described above:
Previously this package contained a specialized DualQuaternion
type. This was removed in v0.6.0 because it offered nothing extra over composing ForwardDiff and Quaternions.
Utility functions
First let's load the packages:
using Quaternions, ForwardDiff, Random
Then we'll create some utility types/functions:
const DualQuaternion{T} = Quaternion{ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing,T,1}}
purequat(p::AbstractVector) = quat(false, @views(p[begin:begin+2])...)
dual(x::Real, v::Real) = ForwardDiff.Dual(x, v)
function dualquat(_q0::Union{Real,Quaternion}, _qe::Union{Real,Quaternion})
q0 = quat(_q0)
qe = quat(_qe)
dual(real(q0), real(qe)),
dual.(imag_part(q0), imag_part(qe))...,
function primal(d::DualQuaternion)
return Quaternion(
function tangent(d::DualQuaternion)
return Quaternion(
ForwardDiff.partials(real(d), 1),
ForwardDiff.partials.(imag_part(d), 1)...,
function dualconj(d::DualQuaternion)
de = tangent(d)
return dualquat(conj(primal(d)), quat(-real(de), imag_part(de)...))
rotation_part(d::DualQuaternion) = primal(d)
translation_part(d::DualQuaternion) = dualquat(true, conj(rotation_part(d)) * tangent(d))
# first=true returns the translation performed before the rotation: R(p+t)
# first=false returns the translation performed after the rotation: R(p)+t
function translation(d::DualQuaternion; first::Bool=true)
v = first ? primal(d)' * tangent(d) : tangent(d) * primal(d)'
return collect(2 .* imag_part(v))
function transform(d::DualQuaternion, p::AbstractVector)
dp = dualquat(true, purequat(p))
dpnew = d * dp * dualconj(d)
pnew_parts = imag_part(tangent(dpnew))
pnew = similar(p, eltype(pnew_parts))
pnew .= pnew_parts
return pnew
function rotmatrix_from_quat(q::Quaternion)
sx, sy, sz = 2q.s * q.v1, 2q.s * q.v2, 2q.s * q.v3
xx, xy, xz = 2q.v1^2, 2q.v1 * q.v2, 2q.v1 * q.v3
yy, yz, zz = 2q.v2^2, 2q.v2 * q.v3, 2q.v3^2
r = [1 - (yy + zz) xy - sz xz + sy;
xy + sz 1 - (xx + zz) yz - sx;
xz - sy yz + sx 1 - (xx + yy)]
return r
function transformationmatrix(d::DualQuaternion)
R = rotmatrix_from_quat(rotation_part(d))
t = translation(d; first=false)
T = similar(R, 4, 4)
T[1:3, 1:3] .= R
T[1:3, 4] .= t
T[4, 1:3] .= 0
T[4, 4] = 1
return T
randdualquat(rng::AbstractRNG,T=Float64) = dualquat(rand(rng, Quaternion{T}), rand(rng, Quaternion{T}))
randdualquat(T=Float64) = randdualquat(Random.GLOBAL_RNG,T)
Example: transforming a point
Now we'll create a unit dual quaternion.
julia> x = sign(randdualquat())
Quaternion{ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing, Float64, 1}}(Dual{Nothing}(0.4992725623859702,0.0765437615460095), Dual{Nothing}(0.633733411125382,-0.3403214067931448), Dual{Nothing}(0.5877381785665934,0.2514113839751658), Dual{Nothing}(0.060602850817088945,0.4899567719251336))
sign(q) == q / abs(q)
both normalizes the primal part of the dual quaternion and makes the tangent part perpendicular to it.
julia> abs(primal(x)) ≈ 1
julia> isapprox(real(primal(x)' * tangent(x)), 0; atol=1e-10)
Here's how we use dual quaternions to transform a point:
julia> p = randn(3)
3-element Vector{Float64}: -0.17146314252675102 -1.5527600265709027 -0.1580692663094635
julia> transform(x, p)
3-element Vector{Float64}: -1.1107833649041352 -0.8446420558011836 0.27100492530354614
Example: homomorphism from unit dual quaternions to the transformation matrices
Each unit dual quaternion can be mapped to an affine transformation matrix $T$. $T$ can be used to transform a vector $p$ like this:
\[T \begin{pmatrix} p \\ 1\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} R & t \\ 0^\mathrm{T} & 1\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} p \\ 1\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} Rp + t \\ 1\end{pmatrix},\]
where $R$ is a rotation matrix, and $t$ is a translation vector. Our helper function transformationmatrix
maps from a unit dual quaternion to such an affine matrix.
julia> y = sign(randdualquat())
Quaternion{ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing, Float64, 1}}(Dual{Nothing}(0.7908619255999761,-0.4062858784711155), Dual{Nothing}(0.12426542827500238,0.7471972945955432), Dual{Nothing}(0.2086932390351534,0.0549112930302485), Dual{Nothing}(0.5617318309949547,0.38631534265460604))
julia> X = transformationmatrix(x)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}: 0.301782 0.684424 0.663695 0.108617 0.805453 0.189419 -0.561574 -0.501183 -0.510071 0.704049 -0.494108 1.19866 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
julia> Y = transformationmatrix(y)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}: 0.281809 -0.836638 0.469703 1.38239 0.940371 0.338031 0.0379057 0.99987 -0.190487 0.431013 0.88201 0.769269 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
julia> XY = transformationmatrix(x*y)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}: 0.602232 0.264935 0.753078 1.72069 0.512081 -0.851889 -0.109811 0.369658 0.612446 0.451768 -0.648703 0.817402 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
julia> X*Y ≈ XY
We can check that our transformation using the unit dual quaternion gives the same result as transforming with an affine transformation matrix:
julia> transform(x, p) ≈ (X * vcat(p, 1))[1:3]
Example: motion planning
For unit quaternions, spherical linear interpolation with slerp
can be used to interpolate between two rotations with unit quaternions, which can be used to plan motion between two orientations. Similarly, we can interpolate between unit dual quaternions to plan motion between two rigid poses. Conveniently, we can do this using the exact same slerp
julia> slerp(x, y, 0) ≈ x
julia> slerp(x, y, 1) ≈ y
julia> slerp(x, y, 0.3)
Quaternion{ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing, Float64, 1}}(Dual{Nothing}(0.6432467697770876,-0.20026814744363827), Dual{Nothing}(0.5179346846782302,-0.07994000211503594), Dual{Nothing}(0.5120614014362503,0.12711218874386235), Dual{Nothing}(0.23615752526173653,0.4451956087219944))