
Meshes adds methods to Julia's built-in clamp function. The additional methods clamp points to the edges of a box in any number of dimensions. The target points and boxes must have the same number of dimensions and the same numeric type.

clamp(point, box)

Clamp the coordinates of a Point to the edges of a Box.

For each dimension, coordinates outside of the box are moved to the nearest edge of the box. The point and box must have an equal number of dimensions.

# set of 2D points to clamp
points = PointSet(rand(Point, 100, crs=Cartesian2D))

# 2D box defining the clamping boundaries
box = Box((0.25, 0.25), (0.75, 0.75))

# clamp point coordinates to the box edges
clamped = clamp(points, box)

fig = Mke.Figure(size=(800, 400))
ax = Mke.Axis(fig[1,1], title="unclamped", aspect=1, limits=(0,1,0,1))
viz!(ax, box)
viz!(ax, points, color=:black, pointsize=6)
ax = Mke.Axis(fig[1,2], title="clamped", aspect=1, limits=(0,1,0,1))
viz!(ax, box)
viz!(ax, clamped, color=:black, pointsize=6)
Example block output