How it Works (By Example)

Example Problem

Let $f$ be a function of position $\bar{r}$ in some space.

function f(r̄::Meshes.Point)
    x, y, z = to(r̄)

Let the integration domain be the space (a ball) enclosed by a sphere centered on the origin with a radius of 5 meters.

center = Meshes.Point(0u"m", 0u"m", 0u"m")
radius = 5.0u"m"
ball = Meshes.Ball(center, radius)

This integral is often expressed abstractly as simply the following, where the triple integral signs and $\text{d}V$ indicate that the integration domain is some three-dimensional volume.

\[\iiint f(\bar{r}) ~ \text{d}V\]

Integrals like this are often solved manually by selecting an appropriate coordinate system and limits that neatly represent the integration domain, e.g.

\[\int_0^{\pi} \int_0^{2\pi} \int_0^{5} f(\bar{r}) ~ \text{d}\rho~\text{d}\theta~\text{d}\phi\]

This works great for simple geometries, but requires integration code that is geometry-specific. This package leverages parametric functions defined in Meshes.jl and differential forms to define integral methods that are general solutions for all geometries.

Parametric Functions

Every supported Meshes.Geometry type is defined as having a parametric function that maps from a local parametric coordinate system to every point on the geometry. Curve-like geometries will have a single parametric dimension, surfaces will have two dimensions, and volumes will have three dimensions; this can be checked for a particular geometry via Meshes.paramdim(geometry).

For consistency across geometry types, with some notable exceptions, these parametric functions are defined to take coordinates inside a normalized range $[0,1]$. In the example case of ball, Meshes.jl defines a parametric function mapped in normalized spherical coordinates $(t_\rho, ~t_\theta, ~t_\phi)$. We find, then:

Meshes.paramdim(ball) == 3    # a volume

ball(tρ, tθ, tφ)    # for args in range [0, 1], maps to a corresponding Meshes.Point

ball(0, tθ, tφ) == center

In effect, we can now use the geometry itself as a function that maps from three normalized ($0 \le t \le 1$) arguments to every point on the geometry. For the sake of generalization, let this parametric function be called $g$.

\[\text{g}: (t_1,~t_2,~t_3) ~\mapsto~ \text{Point}\big[ x, ~y, ~z \big] \]

Differential Forms

Using differential forms, the general solution for integrating a geometry with three parametric dimensions ($t_1$, $t_2$, and $t_3$) is

\[\iiint f(r̄) ~ \text{d}V = \iiint f(\bar{r}) ~ \bar{\text{d}t_1} \wedge \bar{\text{d}t_2} \wedge \bar{\text{d}t_3}\]

This resultant differential (volume) element is formed at each point in the integration domain by taking the Jacobian of the parametric function.

\[\mathbf{J}_f = \begin{bmatrix} \bar{\text{d}t_1} & \bar{\text{d}t_2} & \bar{\text{d}t_3} \end{bmatrix}\]


\[\bar{\text{d}t_n} = \frac{\partial}{\partial t_n} ~ \text{g}(t_1,~t_2,~t_3)\]

Each of these partial derivatives is a vector representing the direction that changing each parametric function argument will move the resultant point. The differential element ($E$) size is then calculated using geometric algebra as the magnitude of the exterior product ($\wedge$) of these three vectors.

\[E(t_1,~t_2,~t_3) = \left\| \bar{\text{d}t_1} \wedge \bar{\text{d}t_2} \wedge \bar{\text{d}t_3} \right\|\]

Finally, we use the parametric function itself, $g$, as a map to all points $\bar{r}$ in the integration domain. Since Meshes.Geometry parametric functions all operate on normalized domains, we can now solve any volume integral as simply

\[\int_0^1 \int_0^1 \int_0^1 f\Big(\text{g}\big(t_1,~t_2,~t_3\big)\Big) ~ E(t_1,~t_2,~t_3) ~ \text{d}t_1 ~ \text{d}t_2 ~ \text{d}t_3\]

This form of integral can be trivially generalized to support $n$-dimensional geometries in a form that enables the use of a wide range of numerical integration libraries.