Mesh Refinement

In this tutorial, we show how we can use mesh refinement to improve the quality of a mesh by inserting more points. In this package, we allow for constant area and angle constraints, and also for custom constraints based on a user-provided function. You can also limit the maximum number of points. Moreover, any type of triangulation can be provided, regardless of whether the triangulation is unconstrained or triangulations, and regardless of the number of holes and domains. Curve-bounded domains, not included in this tutorial, can also be refined as discussed in this tutorial.

Let us start by loading in the packages we will need.

using DelaunayTriangulation
using CairoMakie
using StableRNGs

Unconstrained triangulation

Let us start with a simple example, refining an unconstrained triangulation. We will constrain the triangulation such that the minimum angle is 30 degrees, and the maximum area of a triangulation is 1% of the triangulation's total area. Note that below we need to make sure points is mutable, else it is not possible to push points into the triangulation. Here we use a vector, but you could also use e.g. an ElasticMatrix from ElasticArrays.jl.

rng = StableRNG(123)
x = rand(rng, 50)
y = rand(rng, 50)
points = tuple.(x, y)
tri = triangulate(points; rng)
orig_tri = deepcopy(tri)
A = get_area(tri)
refine!(tri; min_angle = 30.0, max_area = 0.01A, rng)
Delaunay Triangulation.
   Number of vertices: 293
   Number of triangles: 522
   Number of edges: 814
   Has boundary nodes: false
   Has ghost triangles: true
   Curve-bounded: false
   Weighted: false
   Constrained: false

The refine! function operates on tri in-place. If we wanted to review the statistics of the refined mesh, we can use statistics:

Delaunay Triangulation Statistics.
   Triangulation area: 0.6676219360027273
   Number of vertices: 294
   Number of solid vertices: 293
   Number of ghost vertices: 1
   Number of edges: 876
   Number of solid edges: 814
   Number of ghost edges: 62
   Number of triangles: 584
   Number of solid triangles: 522
   Number of ghost triangles: 62
   Number of boundary segments: 0
   Number of interior segments: 0
   Number of segments: 0
   Number of convex hull vertices: 62
   Smallest angle: 30.093123918976033°
   Largest angle: 115.16815010364209°
   Smallest area: 2.1013155442142383e-5
   Largest area: 0.006504759798840958
   Smallest radius-edge ratio: 0.5783859342412219
   Largest radius-edge ratio: 0.9971940823138769

As we can see, the maximum area of a triangle is about 0.0064, which is indeed less than 1% of the triangulation's area, which is about 0.0067. Moreover, the smallest angle is indeed greater than 30.

Let us compare the triangulation pre- and post-refinement.

fig, ax, sc = triplot(orig_tri, axis = (title = "Pre-refinement",))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 2], title = "Post-refinement")
triplot!(ax, tri)
Example block output

The triangulation is now much finer. There are still some parts with many more triangles than other regions, but these are mostly near a boundary or where was a cluster of random points. If we wanted, we could refine again to try and improve this.

refine!(tri; min_angle = 30.0, max_area = 0.001A, rng) # 0.1% instead of 1%
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)
Example block output

The quality has now been improved. We could also try improving the minimum angle further, but even 30 is a bit closer to the limit of convergence (which is about 33.9 degrees). For example, if we try a minimum angle of 35 degrees, the algorithm just doesn't even converge, instead it reaches the maximum number of points.

test_tri = deepcopy(tri)
refine!(test_tri; min_angle = 35.0, max_area = 0.001A, max_points = 5_000, rng) # 20_000 so that it doesn't just keep going
Delaunay Triangulation Statistics.
   Triangulation area: 0.6676219360027267
   Number of vertices: 5001
   Number of solid vertices: 5000
   Number of ghost vertices: 1
   Number of edges: 14997
   Number of solid edges: 14829
   Number of ghost edges: 168
   Number of triangles: 9998
   Number of solid triangles: 9830
   Number of ghost triangles: 168
   Number of boundary segments: 0
   Number of interior segments: 0
   Number of segments: 0
   Number of convex hull vertices: 168
   Smallest angle: 32.569525342355476°
   Largest angle: 113.43199723096218°
   Smallest area: 6.547564216329479e-6
   Largest area: 0.0006565996109229845
   Smallest radius-edge ratio: 0.5773550586596291
   Largest radius-edge ratio: 0.9288110493512934

As we can see, the smallest angle is about 29 degrees instead of 35 degrees, and there are now 5000 points in the triangulation. The resulting triangulation is given below:

fig, ax, sc = triplot(test_tri)
Example block output

This is certainly not a suitable triangulation.

One useful figure to look at for these plots are histograms that look at the areas and angles. Looking to tri, we can plot these as follows:

stats = statistics(tri)
fig = Figure(fontsize = 33)
areas = get_all_stat(stats, :area) ./ A
angles = first.(get_all_stat(stats, :angles)) # the first is the smallest
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "A/A(Ω)", ylabel = "Count", title = "Area histogram", width = 400, height = 400, titlealign = :left)
hist!(ax, areas, bins = 0:0.0001:0.0005)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 2], xlabel = "θₘᵢₙ", ylabel = "Count", title = "Angle histogram", width = 400, height = 400, titlealign = :left)
hist!(ax, rad2deg.(angles), bins = 20:2:60)
vlines!(ax, [30.0], color = :red)
Example block output

We see that indeed many of the triangle areas are very small, and the angles are all greater than 30 degrees.

Constrained triangulation and custom constraints

We now give an example of a constrained triangulation being refined. This is the most common case where the mesh refinement is needed. For this example, we consider an example with holes, but note that any triangulation can be refined, regardless of the type. Here is the triangulation we consider.

n = 100
θ = LinRange(0, 2π, n + 1)
θ = [θ[1:n]; 0]
rev_θ = reverse(θ) # to go from ccw to cw
r₁ = 10.0
r₂ = 5.0
r₃ = 2.5
outer_x, outer_y = r₁ * cos.(θ), r₁ * sin.(θ)
inner_x, inner_y = r₂ * cos.(rev_θ), r₂ * sin.(rev_θ)
innermost_x, innermost_y = r₃ * cos.(θ), r₃ * sin.(θ)
x = [[outer_x], [inner_x], [innermost_x]]
y = [[outer_y], [inner_y], [innermost_y]]
boundary_nodes, points = convert_boundary_points_to_indices(x, y)
rng = StableRNG(456)
tri = triangulate(points; boundary_nodes, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)
Example block output

Let us now refine this triangulation.

A = get_area(tri)
refine!(tri; min_angle = 27.3, max_area = 0.01A, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)
Example block output

We inspect the plot, and we might think that it's perhaps not fine enough. Let's use finer constraints and see what happens. Since refine! operates on tri in-place, refining it again with the constraints below is going to take roughly the same amount of time as if we had refined it with these constraints in the first place.

refine!(tri; min_angle = 33.9, max_area = 0.001A, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)
Example block output

This is indeed much better, but notice that the inner hole is much more fine than the outer. This is because we are applying the same area constraint inside and outside, when really we should try and take note of the total contribution to the area that each part of the domain gives. To refine with this in mind, we need to use custom constraints. The function that we use for constraining the area takes the form f(tri, T), where T is the triangle's vertices and tri is the triangulation. It should return true if the triangle should be refined, and false otherwise. Let us define a function such that, instead of applying constraints so that the triangles are limited to 1% of the total triangulation area, we do 0.5% or 0.1% of the area of the inner or outer domain, respectively.

outer_area = π * (r₁^2 - r₂^2)
inner_area = π * r₃^2
function in_inner(p, q, r)
    px, py = getxy(p)
    qx, qy = getxy(q)
    rx, ry = getxy(r)
    cx, cy = (px + qx + rx) / 3, (py + qy + ry) / 3
    rad2 = cx^2 + cy^2
    return rad2 ≤ r₃^2
function area_constraint(_tri, T)
    i, j, k = triangle_vertices(T)
    p, q, r = get_point(_tri, i, j, k)
    A = DelaunayTriangulation.triangle_area(p, q, r)
    return in_inner(p, q, r) ? (A ≥ 0.005inner_area) : (A ≥ 0.001outer_area)
area_constraint (generic function with 1 method)

Let's now refine. We recompute the triangulation so that we can see the new results.

boundary_nodes, points = convert_boundary_points_to_indices(x, y)
rng = StableRNG(456)
tri = triangulate(points; boundary_nodes, rng)
refine!(tri; min_angle = 30.0, custom_constraint = area_constraint, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)
Example block output

This is now much better, and the two parts of the domain are appropriately refined. Let us extend our custom constraint function to also require that any triangle has minimum angle less than 33 degrees inside the innermost domain, and less than 20 degrees outside the innermost domain.

function angle_constraint(_tri, T)
    i, j, k = triangle_vertices(T)
    p, q, r = get_point(_tri, i, j, k)
    θ = rad2deg(minimum(DelaunayTriangulation.triangle_angles(p, q, r)))
    return in_inner(p, q, r) ? (θ ≤ 33.9) : (θ ≤ 20.0)
function custom_constraint(_tri, T)
    return area_constraint(_tri, T) || angle_constraint(_tri, T)
boundary_nodes, points = convert_boundary_points_to_indices(x, y)
rng = StableRNG(456)
tri = triangulate(points; boundary_nodes, rng)
refine!(tri; custom_constraint, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)
Example block output

Indeed, the inner domain is much finer. These examples could be extended to more complicated cases, for example using adaptive mesh refinement for a numerical PDE solution so that triangles are refined based on some a posteriori error estimate, implemented using a custom area constraint like above, or even some refinement based on the triangle's location in space in case of some geospatial application.

Domains with small angles

In the examples considered, none of the boundaries had small angles. When domains have small angles, it is not always possible to satisfy the minimum angle constraints, but the algorithm will still try its best to refine in these locations. Let's consider a complicated example with many small angles. We consider the boundary of Switzerland, as obtained in this NaturalNeighbours.jl example.

using Downloads
using DelimitedFiles
boundary_url = ""
boundary_dir =
boundary = readdlm(boundary_dir, skipstart = 6)
boundary_points = [(boundary[i, 1], boundary[i, 2]) for i in axes(boundary, 1)]
5126-element Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}:
 (7.133862520764, 45.871870678164)
 (7.138563027059, 45.871870678164)
 (7.138563027059, 45.876571184459)
 (7.143263533355, 45.876571184459)
 (7.14796403965, 45.876571184459)
 (7.152664545945, 45.876571184459)
 (7.15736505224, 45.876571184459)
 (7.162065558535, 45.876571184459)
 (7.162065558535, 45.871870678164)
 (7.166766064831, 45.871870678164)
 (7.110359989288, 45.857769159278)
 (7.115060495583, 45.857769159278)
 (7.119761001878, 45.857769159278)
 (7.119761001878, 45.862469665573)
 (7.124461508174, 45.862469665573)
 (7.129162014469, 45.862469665573)
 (7.129162014469, 45.867170171868)
 (7.133862520764, 45.867170171868)
 (7.133862520764, 45.871870678164)

Here is the boundary.

boundary_nodes, points = convert_boundary_points_to_indices(boundary_points)
rng = StableRNG(789)
tri = triangulate(points; boundary_nodes, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)
Example block output

Now let's refine.

A = get_area(tri)
refine!(tri; min_angle = 30.0, max_area = 0.001A, rng)
Delaunay Triangulation.
   Number of vertices: 14165
   Number of triangles: 23178
   Number of edges: 37342
   Has boundary nodes: true
   Has ghost triangles: true
   Curve-bounded: false
   Weighted: false
   Constrained: true
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)
Example block output

We see that the triangulation is now adequately refined. There are still triangles near the boundaries whose minimum angle is less than 30 degrees, though, because of the angles that boundary edges meet at in some places. Most of the triangles will satisfy the constraint, though, as we show below.

stats = statistics(tri)
angles = first.(get_all_stat(stats, :angles)) # the first is the smallest
fig, ax, sc = scatter(rad2deg.(angles))
hlines!(ax, [30.0], color = :red, linewidth = 4)
Example block output

As we can see, the vast majority of the triangles satisfy the constraint, but there are still some that do not. Here is another set of results with a lower minimum angle constraint.

boundary_nodes, points = convert_boundary_points_to_indices(boundary_points)
rng = StableRNG(789)
tri = triangulate(points; boundary_nodes, rng)
refine!(tri; min_angle = 18.73, max_area = 0.001A, rng)
fig = Figure(fontsize = 43)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], width = 600, height = 400)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 2], width = 600, height = 400)
stats = statistics(tri)
angles = first.(get_all_stat(stats, :angles)) # the first is the smallest
scatter!(ax, rad2deg.(angles))
hlines!(ax, [18.73], color = :red, linewidth = 4)
Example block output

In this case, all the triangles satisfy the constraint, of course at the expense of some other triangles having lesser quality.

Just the code

An uncommented version of this example is given below. You can view the source code for this file here.

using DelaunayTriangulation
using CairoMakie
using StableRNGs

rng = StableRNG(123)
x = rand(rng, 50)
y = rand(rng, 50)
points = tuple.(x, y)
tri = triangulate(points; rng)
orig_tri = deepcopy(tri)
A = get_area(tri)
refine!(tri; min_angle = 30.0, max_area = 0.01A, rng)


fig, ax, sc = triplot(orig_tri, axis = (title = "Pre-refinement",))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 2], title = "Post-refinement")
triplot!(ax, tri)

refine!(tri; min_angle = 30.0, max_area = 0.001A, rng) # 0.1% instead of 1%
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)

test_tri = deepcopy(tri)
refine!(test_tri; min_angle = 35.0, max_area = 0.001A, max_points = 5_000, rng) # 20_000 so that it doesn't just keep going

fig, ax, sc = triplot(test_tri)

stats = statistics(tri)
fig = Figure(fontsize = 33)
areas = get_all_stat(stats, :area) ./ A
angles = first.(get_all_stat(stats, :angles)) # the first is the smallest
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "A/A(Ω)", ylabel = "Count", title = "Area histogram", width = 400, height = 400, titlealign = :left)
hist!(ax, areas, bins = 0:0.0001:0.0005)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 2], xlabel = "θₘᵢₙ", ylabel = "Count", title = "Angle histogram", width = 400, height = 400, titlealign = :left)
hist!(ax, rad2deg.(angles), bins = 20:2:60)
vlines!(ax, [30.0], color = :red)

n = 100
θ = LinRange(0, 2π, n + 1)
θ = [θ[1:n]; 0]
rev_θ = reverse(θ) # to go from ccw to cw
r₁ = 10.0
r₂ = 5.0
r₃ = 2.5
outer_x, outer_y = r₁ * cos.(θ), r₁ * sin.(θ)
inner_x, inner_y = r₂ * cos.(rev_θ), r₂ * sin.(rev_θ)
innermost_x, innermost_y = r₃ * cos.(θ), r₃ * sin.(θ)
x = [[outer_x], [inner_x], [innermost_x]]
y = [[outer_y], [inner_y], [innermost_y]]
boundary_nodes, points = convert_boundary_points_to_indices(x, y)
rng = StableRNG(456)
tri = triangulate(points; boundary_nodes, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)

A = get_area(tri)
refine!(tri; min_angle = 27.3, max_area = 0.01A, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)

refine!(tri; min_angle = 33.9, max_area = 0.001A, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)

outer_area = π * (r₁^2 - r₂^2)
inner_area = π * r₃^2
function in_inner(p, q, r)
    px, py = getxy(p)
    qx, qy = getxy(q)
    rx, ry = getxy(r)
    cx, cy = (px + qx + rx) / 3, (py + qy + ry) / 3
    rad2 = cx^2 + cy^2
    return rad2 ≤ r₃^2
function area_constraint(_tri, T)
    i, j, k = triangle_vertices(T)
    p, q, r = get_point(_tri, i, j, k)
    A = DelaunayTriangulation.triangle_area(p, q, r)
    return in_inner(p, q, r) ? (A ≥ 0.005inner_area) : (A ≥ 0.001outer_area)

boundary_nodes, points = convert_boundary_points_to_indices(x, y)
rng = StableRNG(456)
tri = triangulate(points; boundary_nodes, rng)
refine!(tri; min_angle = 30.0, custom_constraint = area_constraint, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)

function angle_constraint(_tri, T)
    i, j, k = triangle_vertices(T)
    p, q, r = get_point(_tri, i, j, k)
    θ = rad2deg(minimum(DelaunayTriangulation.triangle_angles(p, q, r)))
    return in_inner(p, q, r) ? (θ ≤ 33.9) : (θ ≤ 20.0)
function custom_constraint(_tri, T)
    return area_constraint(_tri, T) || angle_constraint(_tri, T)
boundary_nodes, points = convert_boundary_points_to_indices(x, y)
rng = StableRNG(456)
tri = triangulate(points; boundary_nodes, rng)
refine!(tri; custom_constraint, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)

using Downloads
using DelimitedFiles
boundary_url = ""
boundary_dir =
boundary = readdlm(boundary_dir, skipstart = 6)
boundary_points = [(boundary[i, 1], boundary[i, 2]) for i in axes(boundary, 1)]

boundary_nodes, points = convert_boundary_points_to_indices(boundary_points)
rng = StableRNG(789)
tri = triangulate(points; boundary_nodes, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)

A = get_area(tri)
refine!(tri; min_angle = 30.0, max_area = 0.001A, rng)

fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)

stats = statistics(tri)
angles = first.(get_all_stat(stats, :angles)) # the first is the smallest
fig, ax, sc = scatter(rad2deg.(angles))
hlines!(ax, [30.0], color = :red, linewidth = 4)

boundary_nodes, points = convert_boundary_points_to_indices(boundary_points)
rng = StableRNG(789)
tri = triangulate(points; boundary_nodes, rng)
refine!(tri; min_angle = 18.73, max_area = 0.001A, rng)
fig = Figure(fontsize = 43)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], width = 600, height = 400)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 2], width = 600, height = 400)
stats = statistics(tri)
angles = first.(get_all_stat(stats, :angles)) # the first is the smallest
scatter!(ax, rad2deg.(angles))
hlines!(ax, [18.73], color = :red, linewidth = 4)

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