Using Custom Structs for Primitives and Boundaries
In this package, we allow for custom structs to be used for defining points, edges, triangles, and boundaries (and parametric curves, as done for example in the final example of this tutorial). This tutorial demonstrates how this can be done, showing what methods need to be defined to use certain parts of the package. We note that there are some good defaults already defined for most methods that can be overloaded for these primitives, but for completely new structs you are required to define many new methods. The packages we will be using are loaded below.
using DelaunayTriangulation
using CairoMakie
using Random
using StableRNGs
const DT = DelaunayTriangulation;
Let us now define our custom structs.
struct CustomPoint
struct CustomPoints
struct CustomSegment
struct CustomSegments
struct CustomTriangle
struct CustomTriangles
struct CustomPolygonSegment
struct CustomPolygon
struct CustomPolygons{N}
polygons::NTuple{N, CustomPolygon}
Now, depending on your application you might not need to define all possible methods. For example, if you just want an unconstrained triangulation, all you need are CustomPoint
and CustomPoints
. So, let's define our methods for increasing complexity. First, for unconstrained triangulations, all we need to define are:
DT.getx(p::CustomPoint) = p.x
DT.gety(p::CustomPoint) = p.y
DT.number_type(::Type{CustomPoint}) = Float64
Base.eachindex(points::CustomPoints) = Base.eachindex(points.points)
Base.iterate(points::CustomPoints, state...) = Base.iterate(points.points, state...)
Base.length(points::CustomPoints) = length(points.points)
Base.getindex(points::CustomPoints, i) = points.points[i]
DT.number_type(::Type{CustomPoints}) = Float64
DT.is_planar(::CustomPoints) = true
DT.geti(T::CustomTriangle) = T.i
DT.getj(T::CustomTriangle) = T.j
DT.getk(T::CustomTriangle) = T.k
DT.number_type(::Type{CustomTriangle}) = Int32
DT.construct_triangle(::Type{CustomTriangle}, i, j, k) = CustomTriangle(i, j, k)
Base.iterate(triangles::CustomTriangles, state...) = Base.iterate(triangles.triangles, state...)
Base.sizehint!(triangles::CustomTriangles, n) = sizehint!(triangles.triangles, n)
Base.eltype(::Type{CustomTriangles}) = CustomTriangle
Base.push!(triangles::CustomTriangles, T::CustomTriangle) = push!(triangles.triangles, T)
Base.delete!(triangles::CustomTriangles, T::CustomTriangle) = deleteat!(triangles.triangles, findfirst(==(T), triangles.triangles))
Base.length(triangles::CustomTriangles) = length(triangles.triangles)
CustomTriangles() = CustomTriangles(Vector{CustomTriangle}())
Now let's suppose we want to add in some segments. For this, we also need the following methods.
DT.construct_edge(::Type{CustomSegment}, i, j) = CustomSegment(i, j)
DT.initial(e::CustomSegment) = e.i
DT.terminal(e::CustomSegment) = e.j
Base.iterate(segments::CustomSegments, state...) = Base.iterate(segments.segments, state...)
Base.eltype(::Type{CustomSegments}) = CustomSegment
Base.push!(segments::CustomSegments, e::CustomSegment) = push!(segments.segments, e)
Base.delete!(segments::CustomSegments, e::CustomSegment) = delete!(segments.segments, e)
Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, segments::CustomSegments) = rand(rng, segments.segments)
Base.length(segments::CustomSegments) = length(segments.segments)
CustomSegments() = CustomSegments(Set{CustomSegment}())
Next, we want to allow for defining a boundary. For this, we need the following methods.
DT.has_multiple_curves(::CustomPolygons{N}) where {N} = N > 1
DT.has_multiple_curves(::CustomPolygon) = false
DT.has_multiple_curves(::CustomPolygonSegment) = false
DT.has_multiple_sections(::CustomPolygons) = true
DT.has_multiple_sections(::CustomPolygon) = true
DT.has_multiple_sections(::CustomPolygonSegment) = false
DT.num_curves(::CustomPolygons{N}) where {N} = N
DT.num_sections(poly::CustomPolygon) = length(poly.segments)
DT.num_boundary_edges(seg::CustomPolygonSegment) = length(seg.segments)
DT.get_boundary_nodes(poly::CustomPolygons, m::Integer) = poly.polygons[m] # go down to the mth polygon
DT.get_boundary_nodes(poly::CustomPolygon, m::Integer) = poly.segments[m] # go down to the mth segment
DT.get_boundary_nodes(seg::CustomPolygonSegment, m::Integer) = m > length(seg.segments) ? DT.terminal(seg.segments[m - 1]) : DT.initial(seg.segments[m]) # go down to the mth edge and extract the left node
DT.get_boundary_nodes(poly::CustomPolygons, (m, n)::NTuple{2, Int32}) = DT.get_boundary_nodes(DT.get_boundary_nodes(poly, m), n)
We now have all that we need for defining our custom primitives for constrained triangulations. We can go further and define methods for working with Voronoi tessellations and centroidal Voronoi tessellations. For these methods, note that these only apply to unconstrained triangulations, so you of course would not have to define the methods we have just defined for segments and boundaries. For Voronoi tessellations, no extra methods are needed, except for
Base.empty!(segments::CustomSegments) = empty!(segments.segments)
if we specify EdgesType
inside triangulate
together with clip=true
(and not otherwise). For centroidal Voronoi tessellations, we need
DT.set_point!(points::CustomPoints, i, x, y) = points.points[i] = CustomPoint(x, y)
We also need to consider methods needed for mesh refinement. We could also consider how we can define a method for a new parametric curve, but an example of this is already given in the curve bounded tutorial, so we will only consider methods with piecewise linear boundaries. For refinement, we need the following methods:
Base.pop!(points::CustomPoints) = pop!(points.points)
DT.push_point!(points::CustomPoints, x, y) = push!(points.points, CustomPoint(x, y))
DT.contains_edge(e::CustomSegment, Es::CustomSegments) = e ∈ Es.segments
Base.empty!(triangles::CustomTriangles) = empty!(triangles.triangles)
function Base.insert!(seg::CustomPolygonSegment, index, node)
cur_segment = seg.segments[index - 1]
u, v = edge_vertices(cur_segment)
seg.segments[index - 1] = CustomSegment(u, node)
insert!(seg.segments, index, CustomSegment(node, v))
return seg
Now we have all that we need. Let's now demonstrate that this works. First, let's define the points, segments, and the boundary.
p1 = CustomPoint(0.0, 0.0)
p2 = CustomPoint(1.0, 0.0)
p3 = CustomPoint(1.0, 1.0)
p4 = CustomPoint(0.0, 1.0)
p5 = CustomPoint(0.5, 0.5)
p6 = CustomPoint(0.25, 0.25)
p7 = CustomPoint(0.75, 0.25)
p8 = CustomPoint(0.75, 0.75)
p9 = CustomPoint(0.25, 0.75)
points = CustomPoints([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9])
segments = CustomSegments(Set{CustomSegment}((CustomSegment(2, 7), CustomSegment(8, 3))))
outer_polygon = CustomPolygon(
CustomPolygonSegment([CustomSegment(1, 2), CustomSegment(2, 3)]),
CustomPolygonSegment([CustomSegment(3, 4), CustomSegment(4, 1)]),
inner_polygon = CustomPolygon(
CustomPolygonSegment([CustomSegment(6, 9), CustomSegment(9, 8), CustomSegment(8, 7), CustomSegment(7, 6)]),
polygons = CustomPolygons((outer_polygon, inner_polygon));
Now we triangulate and refine.
rng = StableRNG(123)
tri = triangulate(
points; boundary_nodes = polygons, segments,
IntegerType = Int32,
EdgeType = CustomSegment,
TriangleType = CustomTriangle,
EdgesType = CustomSegments,
TrianglesType = CustomTriangles,
refine!(tri; max_area = 1.0e-3, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)

Now let's give an example of a centroidal Voronoi tessellation to show that this all works.
rng = StableRNG(123)
points = CustomPoints([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9])
tri = triangulate(
IntegerType = Int32,
EdgeType = CustomSegment,
TriangleType = CustomTriangle,
EdgesType = CustomSegments,
TrianglesType = CustomTriangles,
vorn = voronoi(tri; clip = true, smooth = true, rng)
fig, ax, sc = voronoiplot(vorn)

Just the code
An uncommented version of this example is given below. You can view the source code for this file here.
using DelaunayTriangulation
using CairoMakie
using Random
using StableRNGs
const DT = DelaunayTriangulation;
struct CustomPoint
struct CustomPoints
struct CustomSegment
struct CustomSegments
struct CustomTriangle
struct CustomTriangles
struct CustomPolygonSegment
struct CustomPolygon
struct CustomPolygons{N}
polygons::NTuple{N, CustomPolygon}
DT.getx(p::CustomPoint) = p.x
DT.gety(p::CustomPoint) = p.y
DT.number_type(::Type{CustomPoint}) = Float64
Base.eachindex(points::CustomPoints) = Base.eachindex(points.points)
Base.iterate(points::CustomPoints, state...) = Base.iterate(points.points, state...)
Base.length(points::CustomPoints) = length(points.points)
Base.getindex(points::CustomPoints, i) = points.points[i]
DT.number_type(::Type{CustomPoints}) = Float64
DT.is_planar(::CustomPoints) = true
DT.geti(T::CustomTriangle) = T.i
DT.getj(T::CustomTriangle) = T.j
DT.getk(T::CustomTriangle) = T.k
DT.number_type(::Type{CustomTriangle}) = Int32
DT.construct_triangle(::Type{CustomTriangle}, i, j, k) = CustomTriangle(i, j, k)
Base.iterate(triangles::CustomTriangles, state...) = Base.iterate(triangles.triangles, state...)
Base.sizehint!(triangles::CustomTriangles, n) = sizehint!(triangles.triangles, n)
Base.eltype(::Type{CustomTriangles}) = CustomTriangle
Base.push!(triangles::CustomTriangles, T::CustomTriangle) = push!(triangles.triangles, T)
Base.delete!(triangles::CustomTriangles, T::CustomTriangle) = deleteat!(triangles.triangles, findfirst(==(T), triangles.triangles))
Base.length(triangles::CustomTriangles) = length(triangles.triangles)
CustomTriangles() = CustomTriangles(Vector{CustomTriangle}())
DT.construct_edge(::Type{CustomSegment}, i, j) = CustomSegment(i, j)
DT.initial(e::CustomSegment) = e.i
DT.terminal(e::CustomSegment) = e.j
Base.iterate(segments::CustomSegments, state...) = Base.iterate(segments.segments, state...)
Base.eltype(::Type{CustomSegments}) = CustomSegment
Base.push!(segments::CustomSegments, e::CustomSegment) = push!(segments.segments, e)
Base.delete!(segments::CustomSegments, e::CustomSegment) = delete!(segments.segments, e)
Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, segments::CustomSegments) = rand(rng, segments.segments)
Base.length(segments::CustomSegments) = length(segments.segments)
CustomSegments() = CustomSegments(Set{CustomSegment}())
DT.has_multiple_curves(::CustomPolygons{N}) where {N} = N > 1
DT.has_multiple_curves(::CustomPolygon) = false
DT.has_multiple_curves(::CustomPolygonSegment) = false
DT.has_multiple_sections(::CustomPolygons) = true
DT.has_multiple_sections(::CustomPolygon) = true
DT.has_multiple_sections(::CustomPolygonSegment) = false
DT.num_curves(::CustomPolygons{N}) where {N} = N
DT.num_sections(poly::CustomPolygon) = length(poly.segments)
DT.num_boundary_edges(seg::CustomPolygonSegment) = length(seg.segments)
DT.get_boundary_nodes(poly::CustomPolygons, m::Integer) = poly.polygons[m] # go down to the mth polygon
DT.get_boundary_nodes(poly::CustomPolygon, m::Integer) = poly.segments[m] # go down to the mth segment
DT.get_boundary_nodes(seg::CustomPolygonSegment, m::Integer) = m > length(seg.segments) ? DT.terminal(seg.segments[m - 1]) : DT.initial(seg.segments[m]) # go down to the mth edge and extract the left node
DT.get_boundary_nodes(poly::CustomPolygons, (m, n)::NTuple{2, Int32}) = DT.get_boundary_nodes(DT.get_boundary_nodes(poly, m), n)
Base.empty!(segments::CustomSegments) = empty!(segments.segments)
DT.set_point!(points::CustomPoints, i, x, y) = points.points[i] = CustomPoint(x, y)
Base.pop!(points::CustomPoints) = pop!(points.points)
DT.push_point!(points::CustomPoints, x, y) = push!(points.points, CustomPoint(x, y))
DT.contains_edge(e::CustomSegment, Es::CustomSegments) = e ∈ Es.segments
Base.empty!(triangles::CustomTriangles) = empty!(triangles.triangles)
function Base.insert!(seg::CustomPolygonSegment, index, node)
cur_segment = seg.segments[index - 1]
u, v = edge_vertices(cur_segment)
seg.segments[index - 1] = CustomSegment(u, node)
insert!(seg.segments, index, CustomSegment(node, v))
return seg
p1 = CustomPoint(0.0, 0.0)
p2 = CustomPoint(1.0, 0.0)
p3 = CustomPoint(1.0, 1.0)
p4 = CustomPoint(0.0, 1.0)
p5 = CustomPoint(0.5, 0.5)
p6 = CustomPoint(0.25, 0.25)
p7 = CustomPoint(0.75, 0.25)
p8 = CustomPoint(0.75, 0.75)
p9 = CustomPoint(0.25, 0.75)
points = CustomPoints([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9])
segments = CustomSegments(Set{CustomSegment}((CustomSegment(2, 7), CustomSegment(8, 3))))
outer_polygon = CustomPolygon(
CustomPolygonSegment([CustomSegment(1, 2), CustomSegment(2, 3)]),
CustomPolygonSegment([CustomSegment(3, 4), CustomSegment(4, 1)]),
inner_polygon = CustomPolygon(
CustomPolygonSegment([CustomSegment(6, 9), CustomSegment(9, 8), CustomSegment(8, 7), CustomSegment(7, 6)]),
polygons = CustomPolygons((outer_polygon, inner_polygon));
rng = StableRNG(123)
tri = triangulate(
points; boundary_nodes = polygons, segments,
IntegerType = Int32,
EdgeType = CustomSegment,
TriangleType = CustomTriangle,
EdgesType = CustomSegments,
TrianglesType = CustomTriangles,
refine!(tri; max_area = 1.0e-3, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)
rng = StableRNG(123)
points = CustomPoints([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9])
tri = triangulate(
IntegerType = Int32,
EdgeType = CustomSegment,
TriangleType = CustomTriangle,
EdgesType = CustomSegments,
TrianglesType = CustomTriangles,
vorn = voronoi(tri; clip = true, smooth = true, rng)
fig, ax, sc = voronoiplot(vorn)
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