Triangulating Convex Polygons
Here we describe an algorithm used for triangulating convex polygons, called Chew's algorithm after Chew's 1990 paper Building Voronoi diagrams for convex polygons in linear expected time.
Suppose we have a counter-clockwise sequence of vertices $\mathcal S$ defining a convex polygon, and generate a random permutation of $\mathcal S$ denoted $\pi(\mathcal S)$ that defines the insertion order. The idea of the algorithm is to, starting from a triangle constructed by the first three vertices of $\pi(\mathcal S)$, add the remaining points in one at a time using the Bowyer-Watson algorithm, but leveraging the convexity of $\mathcal S$ to greatly simplify the point location step.
We can determine how to avoid the point location step by considering an example. Using the Bowyer-Watson algorithm, let's look at how a convex polygon gets triangulated.

See that at each stage the vertex $v_u$ to be added, shown in red, it lies outside of the triangulation, and only a single edge $e_{vw}$ separates $v_u$ from the triangulation. Thus, we can identify that the point location step amounts to finding this edge $e_{vw}$ so that we inserting $v_u$ into the triangulation can be done by retriangulating the cavity formed by the union of the triangles $T_{uvw}$ and the triangles containing $u$ in their circumcircles.
We now need to find an efficient way to find this edge $e_{vw}$. Imagine running the Bowyer-Watson algorithm in reverse, meaning removing vertices one at a time in the reverse order of $\pi(\mathcal S)$. When we remove $v_u$, this is the same as connecting its neighbours $v_v$ and $v_w$ with an edge $e_{vw}$, which is exactly the edge needed for our point location problem. Thus, if we keep track of the polygon vertices and their neighbours, we can easily find the edge $e_{vw}$ in constant time.
Using this insight, we can now present Chew's algorithm:
- Write $\mathcal S = \{v_1, \ldots, v_n\}$ and obtain some random permutation $\pi(\mathcal S)$ of $\mathcal S$, representing the permutation $\pi(\mathcal S)$ as a permutation of $\{1, 2, \ldots, n\}$ chosen uniformly at random.
- Construct a circularly- and doubly-linked list of the vertices in $\mathcal S$ by defining $\mathcal S_{\text{next}} = \{2, 3, \ldots, n, 1\}$ and $\mathcal S_{\text{prev}} = \{n, 1, 2, \ldots, n-1\}$.
- For $i = n,n-1,\ldots,4$: Delete $v_{\pi(\mathcal S)[i]}$ from the list by setting $\mathcal S_{\text{next}}[\mathcal S_{\text{prev}}[\pi[i]]] = \mathcal S_{\text{next}}[\pi[i]]$ and $\mathcal S_{\text{prev}}[\mathcal S_{\text{next}}[\pi[i]]] = \mathcal S_{\text{prev}}[\pi[i]]$, where $\pi[i] \equiv \mathcal \pi(\mathcal S)[i]$.
- Initialise the triangulation by adding $T_{v_{\pi[1]}v_{\pi[2]}v_{\pi[3]}}$ to the triangulation.
- For $i = 4, \ldots, k$: Add $v_{\pi[i]}$ into the triangulation using the Bowyer-Watson algorithm, noting that the polygonal cavity can be evacuated starting from the edge $e_{\mathcal S_{\text{next}}[\pi[i]]\mathcal S_{\text{prev}}[\pi[i]]}$.