Solving PDEs
For our next application, we consider solving PDEs. In particular, we focus on the discretisation of a domain on which a PDE can be solved. The method we discuss here is the basis of the package FiniteVolumeMethod.jl.
Problem Statement
For this discussion, we will focus solely on solving a mean exit time problem of the form
\[\begin{aligned} D\grad^2 T(\vb x) &= -1, \quad \vb x \in \Omega, \\ T(\vb x) &= 0, \quad \vb x \in \partial \Omega, \end{aligned}\]
where $T$ is the mean exit time, meaning the average amount of time it takes a particle to leave $\Omega$ through $\partial\Omega$ starting at $\vb x$; $D$ is the diffusivity; and $\Omega$ is the domain of interest.[1] For this discussion, we will let $\Omega$ be an annulus so that $\Omega = \{(r, \theta) : 1 < r < 2,\, 0 < \theta < 2\pi\}$. We will exploit the linearity in this problem to express its solution as being approximated by some linear system of the form $\vb A\vb T = \vb b$, but we note that for most PDEs nonlinear solvers are required.
Discretisation of the Domain
Now let's discuss the discretisation of $\Omega$. The aim is to decompose $\Omega$ into a collection of triangles $\mathcal T_i$ such that $\Omega = \cup_i\mathcal T_i$. We will then approximate the solution $T$ on each triangle $\mathcal T_i$ by a piecewise linear function. For this decomposition, we simply use $\mathcal D\mathcal T(\Omega)$, where $\mathcal D\mathcal T(\Omega)$ is some Delaunay triangulation of points in $\Omega$ with $\partial\mathcal D\mathcal T(\Omega) = \partial\Omega$. Here is our discretisation of our annulus.
using DelaunayTriangulation
using CairoMakie
using StableRNGs
rng = StableRNG(123)
R₁ = 1.0
R₂ = 2.0
outer_circle = CircularArc((R₂, 0.0), (R₂, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0))
inner_circle = CircularArc((R₁, 0.0), (R₁, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0), positive = false)
points = NTuple{2, Float64}[]
tri = triangulate(points; rng, boundary_nodes = [[[outer_circle]], [[inner_circle]]])
A = 2π * (R₂^2 - R₁^2)
refine!(tri; max_area = 2.0e-3A, min_angle = 33.0, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)

Discretisation of the PDE
Now let's determine how we can use the discretisation above to solve the PDE. Central to this approach is the idea of a control volume around each point. In particular, connect the centroids of each triangle to the midpoints of the edges of the triangle. This defines a collection of polygons $\Omega_i$ around each point $\vb x_i$, as shown below in blue.

Consider a particular control volume $\Omega_i$. We integrate our PDE over this domain, writing $\grad^2 = \grad \vdot \grad$ and use the divergence theorem:
\[\begin{aligned} D\iint_{\Omega_i} \grad^2 T(\vb x)\, \dd A &= -\iint_{\Omega_i}\, \dd A \\ D\oint_{\partial\Omega_i} \grad T(\vb x) \vdot \vu{n}\, \dd s &= -A_i, \end{aligned}\]
where $\vu{n}$ is the outward normal to $\Omega_i$ and $A_i$ is the area of $\Omega_i$. Now, let $\mathcal E_i$ be the set of edges defining $\partial\Omega_i$ so that $\partial\Omega_i = \cup_{\sigma\in\mathcal E_i} \sigma$. Thus,
\[D\sum_{\sigma\in\mathcal E_i}\int_\sigma \grad T(\vb x) \vdot \vu{n}\, \dd s = -A_i.\]
Now we want to approximate each $\int_\sigma \grad T(\vb x) \vdot \vu{n} \, \dd s$. First, we use a midpoint approximation to give
\[\int_{\sigma} \grad T(\vb x) \vdot \vu{n}\, \dd s \approx \left[\grad T(\vb x_\sigma) \vdot \vu{n}_\sigma\right] L_\sigma,\]
where $\vb x_\sigma$ is the midpoint of $\sigma$, and $\vu{n}_\sigma$ is the normal to $\sigma$. Now, to approximate $\grad T(\vb x_\sigma)$, we use a piecewise linear approximation to $T$ on each triangle. In particular, suppose $\vb x_\sigma$ is inside some triangle $\mathcal T_k$. We use a linear shape function inside $\mathcal T_k$ for approximating $T$, writing
\[T(\vb x) = \alpha_k x + \beta_k y + \gamma_k, \quad \vb x \in \mathcal T_k.\]
Using Cramer's rule, we can determine $\alpha_k$, $\beta_k$, and $\gamma_k$ in terms of the values of $T$ at the vertices of $\mathcal T_k$. In particular,
\[\begin{aligned} \alpha_k &= s_{k, 11} T_{k1} + s_{k, 12} T_{k2} + s_{k, 13} T_{k3}, \\ \beta_k &= s_{k, 21} T_{k1} + s_{k, 22} T_{k2} + s_{k, 23} T_{k3}, \\ \gamma_k &= s_{k, 31} T_{k1} + s_{k, 32} T_{k2} + s_{k, 33} T_{k3}, \end{aligned}\]
\[\begin{aligned} \vb S_k &= \frac{1}{\Delta_k} \begin{bmatrix} y_{k2} - y_{k3} & y_{k3} - y_{k1} & y_{k1} - y_{k2} \\ x_{k3} - x_{k2} & x_{k1} - x_{k3} & x_{k2} - x_{k1} \\ x_{k2}y_{k3} - x_{k3}y_{k2} & x_{k3}y_{k1} - x_{k1}y_{k3} & x_{k1}y_{k2} - x_{k2}y_{k1} \end{bmatrix}, \\ \Delta_k &= x_{k1}y_{k2}-x_{k2}y_{k1}-x_{k1}y_{k3}+x_{k3}y_{k1}+x_{k2}y_{k3}-x_{k3}y_{k2}. \end{aligned}\]
With this approximation, $\grad T(\vb x_\sigma) \approx (\alpha_k, \beta_k)^{\mathsf T\mkern-1.5mu}$. Thus, have
\[\frac{D}{A_i}\sum_{\sigma \in \mathcal E_i} \left[\left(s_{k, 11}n_\sigma^x + s_{k, 21}n_\sigma^y\right)T_{k1} + \left(s_{k, 12}n_\sigma^x + s_{k, 22}n_\sigma^y\right)T_{k2} + \left(s_{k, 13}n_\sigma^x + s_{k,23}n_\sigma^y\right)T_{k3}\right]L_\sigma = -1.\]
Building a Matrix System
Notice that the equation above is linear in the unknowns $T_{ki}$. Thus, we can write this as a matrix system $\vb A\vb T = \vb b$. Consider the $i$th row of $\vb A$. This row corresponds to the control volume $\Omega_i$ and is given by $\vb a_i^{\mathsf T\mkern-1.5mu}$, where the non-zero terms of $\vb a_i$ correspond to the vertices of the triangles that make up $\Omega_i$. The corresponding value of $b_i$ in $\vb b$ is simply $-1$. For handling the boundaries, we will instead let $\vb a_i = \vb e_i$ for any nodes $\vb x_i$ on the boundary, where $\vb e_i = (0, \ldots, 1, \ldots, 0)$ is the $i$th standard basis vector, and $b_i = 0$. The solution to this system will give us the mean exit time $T$.
Let's now implement these ideas. Some details of this implementation, like how we efficient loop over the mesh for building the system by using edges rather than vertices, have been skipped and are described in more detail here.
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
function solve_met_problem(tri::Triangulation, D)
# To start, we need to build a map that takes the vertices from tri
# into a range of consecutive integers, since not all vertices are used.
vertex_map = Dict{Int, Int}()
inverse_vertex_map = Dict{Int, Int}()
cur_idx = 1
for i in DelaunayTriangulation.each_point_index(tri)
if DelaunayTriangulation.has_vertex(tri, i)
vertex_map[i] = cur_idx
inverse_vertex_map[cur_idx] = i
cur_idx += 1
# Next, we need to build up what we need from the geometry.
nv = num_solid_vertices(tri)
nt = num_solid_triangles(tri)
cv_volumes = zeros(nv)
Ttype = DelaunayTriangulation.triangle_type(tri)
shape_function_coefficients = Dict{Ttype, NTuple{9, Float64}}()
cv_edge_midpoints = Dict{Ttype, NTuple{3, NTuple{2, Float64}}}()
cv_edge_normals = Dict{Ttype, NTuple{3, NTuple{2, Float64}}}()
cv_edge_lengths = Dict{Ttype, NTuple{3, Float64}}()
sizehint!.((cv_volumes, shape_function_coefficients, cv_edge_midpoints, cv_edge_normals, cv_edge_lengths), nt)
for T in each_solid_triangle(tri)
u, v, w = triangle_vertices(T)
p, q, r = get_point(tri, u, v, w)
px, py = getxy(p)
qx, qy = getxy(q)
rx, ry = getxy(r)
cx, cy = (px + qx + rx) / 3, (py + qy + ry) / 3
m₁x, m₁y = (px + qx) / 2, (py + qy) / 2
m₂x, m₂y = (qx + rx) / 2, (qy + ry) / 2
m₃x, m₃y = (rx + px) / 2, (ry + py) / 2
# Connect the centroid to each vertex, and all the midpoints to each other
pcx, pcy = cx - px, cy - py
qcx, qcy = cx - qx, cy - qy
rcx, rcy = cx - rx, cy - ry
m₁₃x, m₁₃y = m₁x - m₃x, m₁y - m₃y
m₂₁x, m₂₁y = m₂x - m₁x, m₂y - m₁y
m₃₂x, m₃₂y = m₃x - m₂x, m₃y - m₂y
# Get the sub-control volume areas
S₁ = 1 / 2 * abs(pcx * m₁₃y - pcy * m₁₃x)
S₂ = 1 / 2 * abs(qcx * m₂₁y - qcy * m₂₁x)
S₃ = 1 / 2 * abs(rcx * m₃₂y - rcy * m₃₂x)
cv_volumes[vertex_map[u]] += S₁
cv_volumes[vertex_map[v]] += S₂
cv_volumes[vertex_map[w]] += S₃
# Now get the shape function coefficients
Δ = qx * ry - qy * rx - px * ry + rx * py + px * qy - qx * py
s₁ = (qy - ry) / Δ
s₂ = (ry - py) / Δ
s₃ = (py - qy) / Δ
s₄ = (rx - qx) / Δ
s₅ = (px - rx) / Δ
s₆ = (qx - px) / Δ
s₇ = (qx * ry - rx * qy) / Δ
s₈ = (rx * py - px * ry) / Δ
s₉ = (px * qy - qx * py) / Δ
shape_function_coefficients[T] = (s₁, s₂, s₃, s₄, s₅, s₆, s₇, s₈, s₉)
# Get the midpoints
m₁c = (m₁x + cx) / 2, (m₁y + cy) / 2
m₂c = (m₂x + cx) / 2, (m₂y + cy) / 2
m₃c = (m₃x + cx) / 2, (m₃y + cy) / 2
cv_edge_midpoints[T] = (m₁c, m₂c, m₃c)
# Now get the normal vectors on the control volume edges
e₁x, e₁y = cx - m₁x, cy - m₁y
e₂x, e₂y = cx - m₂x, cy - m₂y
e₃x, e₃y = cx - m₃x, cy - m₃y
ℓ₁ = norm((e₁x, e₁y))
ℓ₂ = norm((e₂x, e₂y))
ℓ₃ = norm((e₃x, e₃y))
cv_edge_lengths[T] = (ℓ₁, ℓ₂, ℓ₃)
n₁ = e₁y / ℓ₁, -e₁x / ℓ₁
n₂ = e₂y / ℓ₂, -e₂x / ℓ₂
n₃ = e₃y / ℓ₃, -e₃x / ℓ₃
cv_edge_normals[T] = (n₁, n₂, n₃)
# Now we can build A
A = zeros(nv, nv)
for T in each_solid_triangle(tri)
u, v, w = triangle_vertices(T)
p, q, r = get_point(tri, u, v, w)
s₁₁, s₁₂, s₁₃, s₂₁, s₂₂, s₂₃, s₃₁, s₃₂, s₃₃ = shape_function_coefficients[T]
for (edge_index, e₁₂) in enumerate(DelaunayTriangulation.triangle_edges(T))
e₁, e₂ = edge_vertices(e₁₂)
x, y = cv_edge_midpoints[T][edge_index]
nx, ny = cv_edge_normals[T][edge_index]
ℓ = cv_edge_lengths[T][edge_index]
Dℓ = D * ℓ
a123 = (
Dℓ * (s₁₁ * nx + s₂₁ * ny),
Dℓ * (s₁₂ * nx + s₂₂ * ny),
Dℓ * (s₁₃ * nx + s₂₃ * ny),
e1_is_bnd = DelaunayTriangulation.is_boundary_node(tri, e₁)[1]
e2_is_bnd = DelaunayTriangulation.is_boundary_node(tri, e₂)[1]
for vert in 1:3
e1_is_bnd || (A[vertex_map[e₁], vertex_map[(u, v, w)[vert]]] += a123[vert] / cv_volumes[vertex_map[e₁]])
e2_is_bnd || (A[vertex_map[e₂], vertex_map[(u, v, w)[vert]]] -= a123[vert] / cv_volumes[vertex_map[e₂]])
Asp = sparse(A)
# Now we can build b
b = zeros(nv)
for i in each_solid_vertex(tri)
if !DelaunayTriangulation.is_boundary_node(tri, i)[1]
b[vertex_map[i]] = -1.0
A[vertex_map[i], vertex_map[i]] = 1.0 # b[i] is already 0
# Now solve and return the solution
T = A \ b
filled_out_T = zeros(DelaunayTriangulation.num_points(tri)) # make sure that T[i] actually refers to the vertex i
for i in 1:nv
filled_out_T[inverse_vertex_map[i]] = T[i]
return filled_out_T
solve_met_problem (generic function with 1 method)
Solving the System
Let's now solve this problem, taking $D = 6.25 \times 10^{-4}$.
D = 6.25e-4
T = solve_met_problem(tri, D)
fig, ax, sc = tricontourf(tri, T, levels = 0:5:200, extendhigh = :auto)

Just the code
An uncommented version of this example is given below. You can view the source code for this file here.
using DelaunayTriangulation
using CairoMakie
using StableRNGs
rng = StableRNG(123)
R₁ = 1.0
R₂ = 2.0
outer_circle = CircularArc((R₂, 0.0), (R₂, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0))
inner_circle = CircularArc((R₁, 0.0), (R₁, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0), positive = false)
points = NTuple{2, Float64}[]
tri = triangulate(points; rng, boundary_nodes = [[[outer_circle]], [[inner_circle]]])
A = 2π * (R₂^2 - R₁^2)
refine!(tri; max_area = 2.0e-3A, min_angle = 33.0, rng)
fig, ax, sc = triplot(tri)
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
function solve_met_problem(tri::Triangulation, D)
# To start, we need to build a map that takes the vertices from tri
# into a range of consecutive integers, since not all vertices are used.
vertex_map = Dict{Int, Int}()
inverse_vertex_map = Dict{Int, Int}()
cur_idx = 1
for i in DelaunayTriangulation.each_point_index(tri)
if DelaunayTriangulation.has_vertex(tri, i)
vertex_map[i] = cur_idx
inverse_vertex_map[cur_idx] = i
cur_idx += 1
# Next, we need to build up what we need from the geometry.
nv = num_solid_vertices(tri)
nt = num_solid_triangles(tri)
cv_volumes = zeros(nv)
Ttype = DelaunayTriangulation.triangle_type(tri)
shape_function_coefficients = Dict{Ttype, NTuple{9, Float64}}()
cv_edge_midpoints = Dict{Ttype, NTuple{3, NTuple{2, Float64}}}()
cv_edge_normals = Dict{Ttype, NTuple{3, NTuple{2, Float64}}}()
cv_edge_lengths = Dict{Ttype, NTuple{3, Float64}}()
sizehint!.((cv_volumes, shape_function_coefficients, cv_edge_midpoints, cv_edge_normals, cv_edge_lengths), nt)
for T in each_solid_triangle(tri)
u, v, w = triangle_vertices(T)
p, q, r = get_point(tri, u, v, w)
px, py = getxy(p)
qx, qy = getxy(q)
rx, ry = getxy(r)
cx, cy = (px + qx + rx) / 3, (py + qy + ry) / 3
m₁x, m₁y = (px + qx) / 2, (py + qy) / 2
m₂x, m₂y = (qx + rx) / 2, (qy + ry) / 2
m₃x, m₃y = (rx + px) / 2, (ry + py) / 2
# Connect the centroid to each vertex, and all the midpoints to each other
pcx, pcy = cx - px, cy - py
qcx, qcy = cx - qx, cy - qy
rcx, rcy = cx - rx, cy - ry
m₁₃x, m₁₃y = m₁x - m₃x, m₁y - m₃y
m₂₁x, m₂₁y = m₂x - m₁x, m₂y - m₁y
m₃₂x, m₃₂y = m₃x - m₂x, m₃y - m₂y
# Get the sub-control volume areas
S₁ = 1 / 2 * abs(pcx * m₁₃y - pcy * m₁₃x)
S₂ = 1 / 2 * abs(qcx * m₂₁y - qcy * m₂₁x)
S₃ = 1 / 2 * abs(rcx * m₃₂y - rcy * m₃₂x)
cv_volumes[vertex_map[u]] += S₁
cv_volumes[vertex_map[v]] += S₂
cv_volumes[vertex_map[w]] += S₃
# Now get the shape function coefficients
Δ = qx * ry - qy * rx - px * ry + rx * py + px * qy - qx * py
s₁ = (qy - ry) / Δ
s₂ = (ry - py) / Δ
s₃ = (py - qy) / Δ
s₄ = (rx - qx) / Δ
s₅ = (px - rx) / Δ
s₆ = (qx - px) / Δ
s₇ = (qx * ry - rx * qy) / Δ
s₈ = (rx * py - px * ry) / Δ
s₉ = (px * qy - qx * py) / Δ
shape_function_coefficients[T] = (s₁, s₂, s₃, s₄, s₅, s₆, s₇, s₈, s₉)
# Get the midpoints
m₁c = (m₁x + cx) / 2, (m₁y + cy) / 2
m₂c = (m₂x + cx) / 2, (m₂y + cy) / 2
m₃c = (m₃x + cx) / 2, (m₃y + cy) / 2
cv_edge_midpoints[T] = (m₁c, m₂c, m₃c)
# Now get the normal vectors on the control volume edges
e₁x, e₁y = cx - m₁x, cy - m₁y
e₂x, e₂y = cx - m₂x, cy - m₂y
e₃x, e₃y = cx - m₃x, cy - m₃y
ℓ₁ = norm((e₁x, e₁y))
ℓ₂ = norm((e₂x, e₂y))
ℓ₃ = norm((e₃x, e₃y))
cv_edge_lengths[T] = (ℓ₁, ℓ₂, ℓ₃)
n₁ = e₁y / ℓ₁, -e₁x / ℓ₁
n₂ = e₂y / ℓ₂, -e₂x / ℓ₂
n₃ = e₃y / ℓ₃, -e₃x / ℓ₃
cv_edge_normals[T] = (n₁, n₂, n₃)
# Now we can build A
A = zeros(nv, nv)
for T in each_solid_triangle(tri)
u, v, w = triangle_vertices(T)
p, q, r = get_point(tri, u, v, w)
s₁₁, s₁₂, s₁₃, s₂₁, s₂₂, s₂₃, s₃₁, s₃₂, s₃₃ = shape_function_coefficients[T]
for (edge_index, e₁₂) in enumerate(DelaunayTriangulation.triangle_edges(T))
e₁, e₂ = edge_vertices(e₁₂)
x, y = cv_edge_midpoints[T][edge_index]
nx, ny = cv_edge_normals[T][edge_index]
ℓ = cv_edge_lengths[T][edge_index]
Dℓ = D * ℓ
a123 = (
Dℓ * (s₁₁ * nx + s₂₁ * ny),
Dℓ * (s₁₂ * nx + s₂₂ * ny),
Dℓ * (s₁₃ * nx + s₂₃ * ny),
e1_is_bnd = DelaunayTriangulation.is_boundary_node(tri, e₁)[1]
e2_is_bnd = DelaunayTriangulation.is_boundary_node(tri, e₂)[1]
for vert in 1:3
e1_is_bnd || (A[vertex_map[e₁], vertex_map[(u, v, w)[vert]]] += a123[vert] / cv_volumes[vertex_map[e₁]])
e2_is_bnd || (A[vertex_map[e₂], vertex_map[(u, v, w)[vert]]] -= a123[vert] / cv_volumes[vertex_map[e₂]])
Asp = sparse(A)
# Now we can build b
b = zeros(nv)
for i in each_solid_vertex(tri)
if !DelaunayTriangulation.is_boundary_node(tri, i)[1]
b[vertex_map[i]] = -1.0
A[vertex_map[i], vertex_map[i]] = 1.0 # b[i] is already 0
# Now solve and return the solution
T = A \ b
filled_out_T = zeros(DelaunayTriangulation.num_points(tri)) # make sure that T[i] actually refers to the vertex i
for i in 1:nv
filled_out_T[inverse_vertex_map[i]] = T[i]
return filled_out_T
D = 6.25e-4
T = solve_met_problem(tri, D)
fig, ax, sc = tricontourf(tri, T, levels = 0:5:200, extendhigh = :auto)
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- 1See this example for more detail.