
triangulate(points; segments=nothing, boundary_nodes=nothing, kwargs...) -> Triangulation

Computes the Delaunay triangulation of points, and then the constrained Delaunay triangulation if any of segments and boundary_nodes are not nothing.


  • points: The points to triangulate. (This might get mutated for curve-bounded domains.)

Keyword Arguments

For the keyword arguments below, you may like to review the extended help as some of the arguments carry certain warnings.

  • segments=nothing: The segments to include in the triangulation. If nothing, then no segments are included.
  • boundary_nodes=nothing: The boundary nodes to include in the triangulation. If nothing, then no boundary nodes are included, and the convex hull of points remains as the triangulation. These boundary nodes should match the specification given in check_args if a boundary is provided as a set of vertices, meaning the boundary is a piecewise linear curve. To specify a curve-bounded domain, you should follow the same specification, but use AbstractParametricCurves to fill out the vector, and any piecewise linear section should still be provided as a sequence of vertices.
  • predicates::AbstractPredicateKernel=AdaptiveKernel(): Method to use for computing predicates. Can be one of FastKernel, ExactKernel, and AdaptiveKernel. See the documentation for a further discussion of these methods.
  • weights=ZeroWeight{number_type(points)}(): The weights to use for the triangulation. By default, the triangulation is unweighted. The weights can also be provided as a vector, with the ith weight referring to the ith vertex, or more generally any object that defines get_weight.
  • IntegerType=Int: The integer type to use for the triangulation. This is used for representing vertices.
  • EdgeType=isnothing(segments) ? NTuple{2,IntegerType} : (edge_type ∘ typeof)(segments): The edge type to use for the triangulation.
  • TriangleType=NTuple{3,IntegerType}: The triangle type to use for the triangulation.
  • EdgesType=isnothing(segments) ? Set{EdgeType} : typeof(segments): The type to use for storing the edges of the triangulation.
  • TrianglesType=Set{TriangleType}: The type to use for storing the triangles of the triangulation.
  • randomise=true: Whether to randomise the order in which the points are inserted into the triangulation. This is done using get_insertion_order.
  • delete_ghosts=false: Whether to delete the ghost triangles after the triangulation is computed. This is done using delete_ghost_triangles!.
  • delete_empty_features=true: Whether to delete empty features after the triangulation is computed. This is done using clear_empty_features!.
  • try_last_inserted_point=true: Whether to try the last inserted point first when inserting points into the triangulation.
  • skip_points=(): The points to skip when inserting points into the triangulation. Note that, for curve-bounded domains, skip_points is ignored when using enrich_boundary!.
  • num_sample_rule=default_num_samples: A function mapping a number of points n to a number of samples m to use for sampling the initial points during the point location step of the algorithm within find_triangle.
  • rng::Random.AbstractRNG=Random.default_rng(): The random number generator.
  • insertion_order::Vector=get_insertion_order(points, randomise, skip_points, IntegerType, rng): The insertion order to use for inserting points into the triangulation. This is ignored if you are defining a curve-bounded domain.
  • recompute_representative_points=true: Whether to recompute the representative points after the triangulation is computed. This is done using compute_representative_points!.
  • delete_holes=true: Whether to delete holes after the triangulation is computed. This is done using delete_holes!.
  • check_arguments=true: Whether to check the arguments points and boundary_nodes are valid. This is done using check_args.
  • polygonise_n=4096: Number of points to use for polygonising the boundary when considering the polygon hierarchy for a curve-bounded domain using polygonise. See triangulate_curve_bounded.
  • coarse_n=0: Number of points to use for initialising a curve-bounded domain. See triangulate_curve_bounded. (A value of 0 means the number of points is chosen automatically until the diametral circles of all edges are empty.)


  • tri::Triangulation: The triangulation.
Type stability

The output from this function is currently not type stable. In particular, the inferred type is only Triangulation without any other information. If you are depending on the output from triangulate inside some other function, you should consider putting the output behind a function barrier; information about using function barriers is given here.

Extended help

Here are some warnings to consider for some of the arguments.

  • points

For curve-bounded domains, points may get mutated to include the endpoints of the provided curves, and when inserting Steiner points to split segments or refine boundaries.

Floating point precision

If your points are defined using non-Float64 coordinates, you may run into precision issues that lead to problems with robustness. The consequences of this could be potentially catastrophic, leading to infinite loops for example. If you do encounter such issues, consider converting your coordinates to Float64.

  • segments
Segments outside of the domain

When segments are outside of the domain, are if they are not entirely contained with the domain, you may run into issues - especially for curve-bounded domains. It is your responsibility to ensure that the segments are contained within the domain.


The segments may get mutated in two ways: (1) Segments may get rotated so that (i, j) becomes (j, i). (2) If there are segments that are collinear with other segments, then they may get split into chain of non-overlapping connecting segments (also see below). For curve-bounded domains, segments are also split so that no subsegment's diametral circle contains any other point.

Intersecting segments

Currently, segments that intersect in their interiors (this excludes segments that only intersect by sharing a vertex) cause problems for triangulating. While there is some support for collinear segments that lie on top of each other (they get split automatically), this is not the case for segments that intersect in their interiors. Moreover, this automatic splitting should not be heavily relied upon, and for curve-bounded domains you should not rely on it at all as it causes problems during the enrichment phase from enrich_boundary!.

  • boundary_nodes
Points outside of boundary curves

While for standard domains with piecewise linear boundaries (or no boundaries) it is fine for points to be outside of the domain (they just get automatically deleted if needed), they may cause problems for curve-bounded domains. Please ensure that all your points are inside the curve-bounded domain if you are providing curves in boundary_nodes.


For curve-bounded domains, the boundary_nodes in the resulting Triangulation will not be aliased with the input boundary nodes.


For curve-bounded domains, note that the triangulation produced from this function is really just an initial coarse discretisation of the true curved boundaries. You will need to refine further, via refine!, to improve the discretisation, or increase coarse_n below. See also polygonise for a more direct approach to discretising a boundary (which might not give as high-quality meshes as you can obtain from refine! though, note).

triangulate_convex(points, S; delete_ghosts=false, delete_empty_features=true, rng=Random.default_rng(), predicates::AbstractPredicateKernel=AdaptiveKernel(), kwargs...) -> Triangulation

Triangulates the convex polygon S.


  • points: The point set corresponding to the vertices in S.
  • S: A convex polygon represented as a vector of vertices. The vertices should be given in counter-clockwise order, and must not be circular so that S[begin] ≠ S[end].

Keyword Arguments

  • delete_ghosts=false: If true, the ghost triangles are deleted after triangulation.
  • delete_empty_features=true: If true, the empty features are deleted after triangulation.
  • rng=Random.default_rng(): The random number generator used to shuffle the vertices of S before triangulation.
  • predicates::AbstractPredicateKernel=AdaptiveKernel(): Method to use for computing predicates. Can be one of FastKernel, ExactKernel, and AdaptiveKernel. See the documentation for a further discussion of these methods.
  • kwargs...: Additional keyword arguments passed to Triangulation.


  • tri::Triangulation: The triangulated polygon.
triangulate_rectangle(a, b, c, d, nx, ny; kwargs...) -> Triangulation

Triangulates the rectangle [a, b] × [c, d].


  • a: The minimum x-coordinate.
  • b: The maximum x-coordinate.
  • c: The minimum y-coordinate.
  • d: The maximum y-coordinate.
  • nx: The number of points in the x-direction.
  • ny: The number of points in the y-direction.

Keyword Arguments

  • single_boundary=false: If true, then the boundary nodes are stored as a contiguous section. Otherwise, the boundary is split into four sections, in the order bottom, right, top, left.
  • delete_ghosts=false: If true, then the ghost triangles are deleted. Otherwise, they are kept.
  • IntegerType::Type{I}=Int: The type of the vertices.
  • EdgeType::Type{E}=NTuple{2,IntegerType}: The type of the edges.
  • TriangleType::Type{V}=NTuple{3,IntegerType}: The type of the triangles.
  • EdgesType::Type{Es}=Set{EdgeType}: The type of the edges container.
  • TrianglesType::Type{Ts}=Set{TriangleType}: The type of the triangles container.
  • predicates::AbstractPredicateKernel=AdaptiveKernel(): Method to use for computing predicates. Can be one of FastKernel, ExactKernel, and AdaptiveKernel. See the documentation for a further discussion of these methods.


  • tri: The triangulation of the rectangle.
refine!(tri::Triangulation; kwargs...)

Refines the given Triangulation tri to meet the given quality constraints.

See the documentation for more information about mesh refinement, e.g. convergence issues and issues with small input-angles.


Keyword Arguments

  • min_angle=30.0: The minimum angle constraint, in degrees.
  • max_angle=180.0: The maximum angle constraint, in degrees.
Maximum angle constraints

Maximum angle constraints are not currently implemented.

  • min_area=get_area(tri) / 1e9: The minimum area constraint.
  • max_area=typemax(number_type(tri)): The maximum area constraint.
  • max_points=max(1_000, num_solid_vertices(tri))^2: The maximum number of vertices allowed in the triangulation. Note that this refers to num_solid_vertices, not the amount returned by num_points.
  • seditious_angle=20.0: The angle at which a triangle is considered seditious, in degrees. See is_triangle_seditious.
  • custom_constraint=(tri, T) -> false: A custom constraint function that takes a Triangulation and a triangle, and returns true if the triangle should be refined and false otherwise.
  • use_circumcenter=true: Whether to insert circumcenters for refining a triangle or generalised Steiner points.
Generalised Steiner points

Generalised Steiner points are not yet implemented. Thus, this argument must be true (and the steiner_scale keyword below is ignored).

  • use_lens=true: Whether to use the diametral lens or the diametral circle for checking encroachment.
  • steiner_scale=0.999: The perturbation factor to use for generalised Steiner points if use_circumcenter=false. (Not currently used - see above.)
  • rng=Random.default_rng(): The random number generator to use in case it is needed during point location.
  • concavity_protection=false: Whether to use concavity protection or not for find_triangle. Most likely not needed, but may help in pathological cases.
  • predicates::AbstractPredicateKernel=AdaptiveKernel(): Method to use for computing predicates. Can be one of FastKernel, ExactKernel, and AdaptiveKernel. See the documentation for a further discussion of these methods.


The triangulation is refined in-place.

Duplicate points and unused points

During refinement, points are often deleted, which may often lead to points in get_points(tri) that do not appear anywhere in the triangulation. (This is why we recommend e.g. each_solid_vertex over each_point.) Similarly, since points are deleted, when two triangles have a common circumcenter it might happen (if they are near an input segment) that a point is duplicated inside get_points(tri), in case one circumcenter was deleted previously.

retriangulate(tri::Triangulation, points=get_points(tri); kwargs...)

Retriangulates the triangulation tri using the points points, returning a new Triangulation.


  • tri::Triangulation: The triangulation to retriangulate.
  • points=get_points(tri): The points to use for retriangulating the triangulation. By default, this is simply get_points(tri).

Keyword Arguments

  • skip_points=Set(filter(i -> !has_vertex(tri, i), each_point_index(tri))): The points to skip when inserting points into the triangulation.
  • kwargs...: Extra keyword arguments passed to triangulate. Other keyword arguments, like segments and boundary_nodes, are automatically passed from the fields of tri, but may be overridden by passing the corresponding keyword arguments.
convert_boundary_points_to_indices(x, y; existing_points = NTuple{2, Float64}[], check_args=true) -> (Vector, Vector)
convert_boundary_points_to_indices(xy; existing_points = NTuple{2, Float64}[], check_args=true) -> (Vector, Vector)

Converts a boundary represented by (x, y) or xy, where the points are combined rather than as separate sets of coordinates, into a set of boundary nodes for use in triangulate.


  • x, y: The x and y-coordinates for the boundary points. The individual vectors must match the specification required for boundaries outlined in the documentation.
  • xy: As above, except the coordinates are combined rather than given as separate vectors.

Keyword Arguments

  • existing_points: The existing points to append the boundary points to. This is useful if you have a pre-existing set of points.
  • check_args: Whether to check that the arguments match the specification in the documentation.


  • boundary_nodes: The boundary nodes.
  • points: The point set, which is the same as existing_points but with the boundary points appended to it.
check_args(points, boundary_nodes, hierarchy::PolygonHierarchy, boundary_curves = (); skip_points = Set{Int}()) -> Bool

Check that the arguments points and boundary_nodes to triangulate, and a constructed PolygonHierarchy given by hierarchy, are valid. In particular, the function checks:

  • The dimension of the points. If the points are not 2D, a warning is thrown.
  • The points are all unique. If they are not, a warning is thrown and the indices of the duplicates are merged into skip_points.
  • There are at least three points. If there are not, an InsufficientPointsError is thrown.

If any duplicate points are found, the indices of the duplicates are merged into skip_points in-place.

If boundary_nodes are provided, meaning has_boundary_nodes, then the function also checks:

  • If the boundary curves all connect consistently. Here, this means that each section of a boundary curve ends at the start of the next boundary section; for contiguous boundary curves, this means that the start and end boundary nodes are the same.
  • If the orientation of the boundary curves are all consistent. This means that the curves are all positively oriented relative to the domain, so that e.g. the exterior boundary curves are all counter-clockwise (relative to just themselves), the next exterior-most curves inside those exteriors are all clockwise (again, relative to just themselves), and so on.
Intersecting boundaries

Another requirement for triangulate is that none of the boundaries intersect in their interior, which also prohibits interior self-intersections. This is NOT checked. Similarly, segments should not intersect in their interior, which is not checked.

get_points(convex_hull::ConvexHull) -> Points

Returns the underlying point set of convex_hull.

get_points(tri::Triangulation) -> Points

Return the points of the triangulation. Note that this may include points not yet in tri.

get_points(boundary_enricher::BoundaryEnricher{P}) -> P

Returns the point set associated with boundary_enricher.

get_triangles(tri::Triangulation) -> Triangles

Return the triangles of the triangulation. These triangles are all given in counter-clockwise order, and may include ghost triangles.

get_boundary_nodes(boundary_nodes, mnℓ...)

Given a collection of boundary_nodes, returns the specified component of the collection. There are several forms for the methods:

  1. get_boundary_nodes(boundary_nodes, m): If boundary_nodes has multiple curves, this returns the mth curve. If boundary_nodes has multiple sections, this returns the mth section. Otherwise, this returns the mth boundary node.
  2. get_boundary_nodes(boundary_nodes, m, n): If boundary_nodes has multiple curves, this returns the nth section of the mth curve. Otherwise, if boundary_nodes has multiple sections, this returns the nth boundary node of the mth section.
  3. get_boundary_nodes(boundary_nodes, (m, n)): This is equivalent to get_boundary_nodes(boundary_nodes, m, n).
  4. get_boundary_nodes(boundary_nodes::A, ::A): This just returns boundary_nodes.


julia> using DelaunayTriangulation

julia> get_boundary_nodes([[[1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 1]], [[6, 7, 8, 9], [9, 10, 6]]], 2)
2-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
 [6, 7, 8, 9]
 [9, 10, 6]

julia> get_boundary_nodes([[1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 1]], 1)
4-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> get_boundary_nodes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1], 4)

julia> get_boundary_nodes([[[1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 1]], [[6, 7, 8, 9], [9, 10, 6]]], 1, 2)
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> get_boundary_nodes([[1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 6, 1]], 2, 3)

julia> get_boundary_nodes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1])
6-element Vector{Int64}:
get_interior_segments(tri::Triangulation) -> Edges

Return the interior segments of the triangulation. These are segments that are forced to be in the triangulation - they are not the same as edges.

get_all_segments(tri::Triangulation) -> Edges

Return all segments of the triangulation. This includes interior segments and boundary segments. Segments are edges that are forced to be in the triangulation.

get_adjacent(adj::Adjacent) -> Dict

Returns the adjacent map of adj.


julia> using DelaunayTriangulation

julia> d = Dict((1, 2) => 3, (2, 3) => 1, (3, 1) => 2);

julia> adj = DelaunayTriangulation.Adjacent(d)
Adjacent{Int64, Tuple{Int64, Int64}}, with map:
Dict{Tuple{Int64, Int64}, Int64} with 3 entries:
  (1, 2) => 3
  (3, 1) => 2
  (2, 3) => 1

julia> get_adjacent(adj)
Dict{Tuple{Int64, Int64}, Int64} with 3 entries:
  (1, 2) => 3
  (3, 1) => 2
  (2, 3) => 1

julia> get_adjacent(adj) == d
get_adjacent(adj::Adjacent{I, E}, uv::E) -> Vertex
get_adjacent(adj::Adjacent{I, E}, u, v) -> Vertex

Returns the vertex w such that (u, v, w) is a positively oriented triangle in the underlying triangulation, or if no such triangle exists.


julia> using DelaunayTriangulation

julia> adj = DelaunayTriangulation.Adjacent(Dict((1, 2) => 3, (2, 3) => 1, (3, 1) => 2, (4, 5) => -1))
Adjacent{Int64, Tuple{Int64, Int64}}, with map:
Dict{Tuple{Int64, Int64}, Int64} with 4 entries:
  (4, 5) => -1
  (1, 2) => 3
  (3, 1) => 2
  (2, 3) => 1

julia> get_adjacent(adj, 4, 5)

julia> get_adjacent(adj, (3, 1))

julia> get_adjacent(adj, (1, 2))

julia> get_adjacent(adj, 17, 5)

julia> get_adjacent(adj, (1, 6))
get_adjacent(tri::Triangulation) -> Adjacent

Returns the adjacency map of the triangulation. This is a map from each edge (u, v) to a vertex w such that (u, v, w) is a positively oriented triangle in tri.

See also Adjacent.

get_adjacent(tri::Triangulation, uv) -> Vertex
get_adjacent(tri::Triangulation, u, v) -> Vertex

Returns the vertex w such that (u, v, w) is a positively oriented triangle in the underlying triangulation, or if no such triangle exists.

get_adjacent(vorn::VoronoiTessellation) -> Adjacent{Index,Edge}

Gets the adjacency information of the Voronoi tessellation vorn as an Adjacent object. This object maps oriented edges to the polygons that they belong to.

get_adjacent(vor::VoronoiTessellation, ij) -> Index 
get_adjacent(vor::VoronoiTessellation, i, j) -> Index

Gets the polygon index associated with the oriented edge ij in the Voronoi tessellation vor.

get_adjacent2vertex(adj2v::Adjacent2Vertex) -> Dict

Returns the adjacent2vertex map of adj2v.


julia> using DelaunayTriangulation

julia> e1 = Set(((1, 2), (5, 3), (7, 8)));

julia> e2 = Set(((2, 3), (13, 5), (-1, 7)));

julia> d = Dict(9 => e1, 6 => e2);

julia> adj2v = DelaunayTriangulation.Adjacent2Vertex(d)
Adjacent2Vertex{Int64, Set{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}} with map:
Dict{Int64, Set{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}} with 2 entries:
  6 => Set([(13, 5), (-1, 7), (2, 3)])
  9 => Set([(1, 2), (7, 8), (5, 3)])

julia> get_adjacent2vertex(adj2v)
Dict{Int64, Set{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}} with 2 entries:
  6 => Set([(13, 5), (-1, 7), (2, 3)])
  9 => Set([(1, 2), (7, 8), (5, 3)])

julia> get_adjacent2vertex(adj2v) == d
get_adjacent2vertex(adj2v::Adjacent2Vertex, w) -> Edges

Returns the set of edges E such that (u, v, w) is a positively oriented triangle in the underlying triangulation for each (u, v) ∈ E.


julia> using DelaunayTriangulation

julia> adj2v = DelaunayTriangulation.Adjacent2Vertex(Dict(1 => Set(((2, 3), (5, 7), (8, 9))), 5 => Set(((1, 2), (7, 9), (8, 3)))))
Adjacent2Vertex{Int64, Set{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}} with map:
Dict{Int64, Set{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}} with 2 entries:
  5 => Set([(1, 2), (8, 3), (7, 9)])
  1 => Set([(8, 9), (5, 7), (2, 3)])

julia> get_adjacent2vertex(adj2v, 1)
Set{Tuple{Int64, Int64}} with 3 elements:
  (8, 9)
  (5, 7)
  (2, 3)

julia> get_adjacent2vertex(adj2v, 5)
Set{Tuple{Int64, Int64}} with 3 elements:
  (1, 2)
  (8, 3)
  (7, 9)
get_adjacent2vertex(tri::Triangulation) -> Adjacent2Vertex

Returns the Adjacent2Vertex map of the triangulation tri. This is a map from a vertex w to a set of all edges (u, v) such that (u, v, w) is a positively oriented triangle in tri.

get_adjacent2vertex(tri::Triangulation, w) -> Edges

Returns the set of all edges (u, v) in tri such that (u, v, w) is a positively oriented triangle in tri.

get_neighbours(graph::Graph) -> Dict{Vertex, Set{Vertex}}

Returns the neighbours map of graph.

get_neighbours(G::Graph, u) -> Set{Vertex}

Returns the set of neighbours of u in G.

get_neighbours(tri::Triangulation) -> Dict{Vertex, Set{Vertex}}

Returns the neighbours map of tri. Note that, if has_ghost_triangles(tri), then some of the neighbours and vertices will be ghost vertices.

get_neighbours(tri::Triangulation, u) -> Set{Vertex}

Returns the set of neighbours of u in tri. Note that, if has_ghost_triangles(tri), then some of the neighbours and vertices will be ghost vertices.

get_boundary_curves(tri::Triangulation) -> NTuple{N, Function}

Returns the functions defining the boundaries of tri. If !is_curve_bounded(tri), then this returns an empty Tuple. Otherwise, this returns a Tuple of functions, one for each section of the boundary, where the ith element of the Tuple corresponds to the ith section of the boundary, which corresponds to the ghost vertex -i. For curves that are defined by boundary nodes rather than by a function, the function is PiecewiseLinear. For the other functions, these are all defined by t -> NTuple{2, Number}, where t ∈ [0, 1] and the NTuple{2, Number} is the coordinate on the curve at that t.

get_boundary_curves(boundary_enricher::BoundaryEnricher{P,B,C}) -> C

Returns the boundary curves associated with boundary_enricher.

get_boundary_edge_map(tri::Triangulation) -> Dict

Returns the boundary edge map of the triangulation tri. This is a Dict that maps a boundary edge (u, v) to its position in get_boundary_nodes(tri). In particular, the returned value is a Tuple (position, index) so that boundary_nodes = get_boundary_nodes(tri, position) are the boundary nodes associated with the section that (u, v) resides on, and u = get_boundary_nodes(boundary_nodes, index) and v = get_boundary_nodes(boundary_nodes, index + 1).

See also construct_boundary_edge_map.

get_boundary_edge_map(boundary_enricher::BoundaryEnricher{P,B,C,I,BM}) -> BM

Returns the boundary edge map associated with boundary_enricher.

get_boundary_edge_map(boundary_enricher::BoundaryEnricher, i, j)

Returns the value from the key (i, j) in the boundary edge map of boundary_enricher. The returned value is a Tuple (position, index) so that boundary_nodes = get_boundary_nodes(get_boundary_nodes(boundary_enricher), position) are the boundary nodes associated with the section that (i, j) resides on, and i = get_boundary_nodes(boundary_nodes, index) and j = get_boundary_nodes(boundary_nodes, index + 1).

get_boundary_edge_map(tri::Triangulation, ij) 
get_boundary_edge_map(tri::Triangulation, i, j)

Returns the value from the key (i, j) in the boundary edge map of tri. The returned value is a Tuple (position, index) so that boundary_nodes = get_boundary_nodes(tri, position) are the boundary nodes associated with the section that (i, j) resides on, and i = get_boundary_nodes(boundary_nodes, index) and j = get_boundary_nodes(boundary_nodes, index + 1).

get_ghost_vertex_map(tri::Triangulation) -> Dict

Returns the ghost vertex map of the triangulation tri. This is a Dict that maps ghost vertices to their associated section in boundary_nodes. There are three cases; below, I is integer_type(tri):

  • has_multiple_curves(tri)

Returns dict::Dict{I, NTuple{2, I}}, mapping ghost vertices i to Tuples (m, n) so that get_boundary_nodes(tri, m, n) are the boundary nodes associated with i, i.e. the nth section of the mth curve is associated with the ghost vertex i.

  • has_multiple_sections(tri)

Returns dict::Dict{I, I}, mapping ghost vertices i to n so that get_boundary_nodes(tri, n) are the boundary nodes associated with i, i.e. the nth section of the boundary is associated with the ghost vertex i.

  • otherwise

Returns dict::Dict{I, A}, mapping the ghost vertex i to get_boundary_nodes(tri), where A = typeof(get_boundary_nodes(tri)).

See also construct_ghost_vertex_map.

get_convex_hull(tri::Triangulation) -> ConvexHull

Returns the convex hull of the points in tri. This is given as a ConvexHull object, where the vertices are sorted counter-clockwise and defined so that the first and last vertices are equal.

num_curves(tri::Triangulation) -> Integer

Returns the number of curves in tri.

num_curves(boundary_nodes) -> Integer

Get the number of curves in boundary_nodes.


julia> using DelaunayTriangulation

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.num_curves([1, 2, 3, 1])

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.num_curves([[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 1]])

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.num_curves([[[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 1]], [[5, 6, 7, 8, 5]]])
num_sections(tri::Triangulation) -> Integer

Assuming tri only has one curve, returns the number of sections in tri.

num_sections(boundary_nodes) -> Integer

Assuming boundary_nodes has only one curve, get the number of sections in boundary_nodes.


julia> using DelaunayTriangulation

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.num_sections([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1])

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.num_sections([[1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 1]])

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.num_sections([[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [8, 9], [9, 1]])
get_right_boundary_node(tri::Triangulation, k, ghost_vertex) -> Vertex

Returns the boundary node to the right of the vertex k in tri.


  • tri::Triangulation: The Triangulation.
  • k: The boundary vertex.
  • ghost_vertex: The ghost vertex associated with the boundary section that k is on.


  • r: The vertex right of k on the boundary.
get_left_boundary_node(tri::Triangulation, k, ghost_vertex) -> Vertex

Returns the boundary node to the left of the vertex k in tri.


  • tri::Triangulation: The Triangulation.
  • k: The boundary vertex.
  • ghost_vertex: The ghost vertex associated with the boundary section that k is on.


  • : The vertex left of k on the boundary.
contains_boundary_edge(tri::Triangulation, ij) -> Bool 
contains_boundary_edge(tri::Triangulation, i, j) -> Bool

Returns true if the boundary edge (i, j) is in tri, and false otherwise. Orientation matters here.

has_vertex(G::Graph, u) -> Bool

Returns true if u is a vertex in G, and false otherwise.

has_vertex(tri::Triangulation, u) -> Bool

Returns true if u is a vertex in tri, and false otherwise.

has_ghost_vertices(G::Graph) -> Bool

Returns true if G has ghost vertices, and false otherwise.

has_ghost_vertices(tri::Triangulation) -> Bool

Returns true if tri has ghost vertices, and false otherwise.

get_curve_index(dict, ghost_vertex) -> Int
get_curve_index(ghost_vertex) -> Int

Given a Dict from construct_ghost_vertex_map and a ghost_vertex, returns the index of the curve corresponding to that ghost vertex. The second method maps ghost_vertex to 1 if it is an Integer or a Vector, and ghost_vertex[1] if it is a Tuple.


julia> using DelaunayTriangulation

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_curve_index(-1)

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_curve_index((5, 3))

julia> gv_map = DelaunayTriangulation.construct_ghost_vertex_map([[[1, 5, 17, 18, 1]], [[23, 29, 31, 33], [33, 107, 101], [101, 99, 85, 23]]])
Dict{Int64, Tuple{Int64, Int64}} with 4 entries:
  -1 => (1, 1)
  -3 => (2, 2)
  -2 => (2, 1)
  -4 => (2, 3)

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_curve_index(gv_map, -1)

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_curve_index(gv_map, -2)

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_curve_index(gv_map, -3)

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_curve_index(gv_map, -4)
get_section_index(dict, ghost_vertex) -> Int
get_section_index(ghost_vertex) -> Int

Given a Dict from construct_ghost_vertex_map and a ghost_vertex, returns the index of the section corresponding to that ghost vertex. The second method maps ghost_vertex to itself if it is an Integer, 1 if it is a Vector, and ghost_vertex[2] if it is a Tuple.


julia> using DelaunayTriangulation

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_section_index((2, 3)) # 3rd section of the 2nd curve

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_section_index(4)

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_section_index([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1])

julia> gv_map = DelaunayTriangulation.construct_ghost_vertex_map([[[1, 5, 17, 18, 1]], [[23, 29, 31, 33], [33, 107, 101], [101, 99, 85, 23]]])     
Dict{Int64, Tuple{Int64, Int64}} with 4 entries:
  -1 => (1, 1)
  -3 => (2, 2)
  -2 => (2, 1)
  -4 => (2, 3)

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_section_index(gv_map, -1)

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_section_index(gv_map, -2)

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_section_index(gv_map, -3)

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.get_section_index(gv_map, -4)
get_ghost_vertex_range(tri::Triangulation, ℓ) -> UnitRange

Given a ghost vertex of tri, returns the range of all ghost vertices corresponding to the same curve or section as does.

num_points(points) -> Integer

Returns the number of points in points.


julia> using DelaunayTriangulation

julia> points = [(1.0, 1.0), (2.3, 1.5), (0.0, -5.0)];

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.num_points(points)

julia> points = [1.0 5.5 10.0 -5.0; 5.0 2.0 0.0 0.0];

julia> DelaunayTriangulation.num_points(points)
compute_representative_points!(tri::Triangulation; use_convex_hull=!has_boundary_nodes(tri), precision=one(number_type(tri)))

Computes a new set of representative points for tri.


  • tri::Triangulation: The Triangulation for which to compute the representative points.

Keyword Arguments

  • use_convex_hull=!has_boundary_nodes(tri): If true, then the representative points are computed using the convex hull of the triangulation. Otherwise, the representative points are computed using the boundary nodes of the triangulation.
  • precision=one(number_type(tri)): The precision to use when computing the representative points via pole_of_inaccessibility.


There are no outputs as tri is updated in-place, but for each curve the representative point is computed using pole_of_inaccessibility.

Exterior curves

While get_exterior_curve_indices(tri) does store the curves corresponding to exterior curves, this function still treats the first curve as the most important exterior curve, computing the representative point so that it is in no holes. In particular, other exterior curves might have representative points that are in a hole of one of their interior holes. This isn't much of a problem, indeed it wouldn't be a significant problem even if we had the representative point in a hole of the first curve, but it is something to be aware of.

add_weight!(weights, w)

Pushes the weight w into weights. The default definition for this is push!(weights, w).

add_weight!(tri::Triangulation, w)

Pushes the weight w into the weights of tri.

get_weight(weights, i) -> Number

Gets the ith weight from weights. The default definition for this is weights[i], but this can be extended - e.g., ZeroWeight uses get_weight(weights, i) = 0.0.

If i is not an integer, then the default definition is is_point3(i) ? i[3] : zero(number_type(weights)).

get_weight(tri::Triangulation, i) -> Number

Gets the ith weight from tri.

get_area(r::BoundingBox) -> Float64

Returns the area of r, i.e. hspan(r) * vspan(r).


Returns the area field from the TriangulationStatistics stats.

get_area(stats::TriangulationStatistics, T)

Returns the area field from the individual triangle statistics for the triangle T in the TriangulationStatistics stats.

get_area(vor::VoronoiTessellation, i) -> Number

Gets the area of the ith Voronoi polygon.

get_area(tri::Triangulation) -> Number

Returns the area of tri.

iterated_neighbourhood(tri::Triangulation, i, d) -> Set{Vertex}

Returns the set of vertices of tri in the iterated neighbourhood of the vertex i of depth d.

Extended help

The $d$-times iterated neighbourhood is defined by

\[N_i^d = \bigcup_{j \in N_i^{d-1}} N_j \setminus \{i\},\]

where $N_i^1 = N_i$ is the set of neighbours of $i$.

dist(p, q) -> Number

Assuming p and q are two-dimensional, computes the Euclidean distance between p and q.

dist(tri::Triangulation, p) -> Number

Given a point p, returns the distance from p to the triangulation, using the conventions from distance_to_polygon:

  • δ > 0: If the returned distance is positive, then p is inside the triangulation.
  • δ < 0: If the returned distance is negative, then p is outside the triangulation.
  • δ = 0: If the returned distance is zero, then p is on the boundary of the triangulation.

Where we say distance, we are referring to the distance from p to the boundary of the triangulation.

get_insertion_order(points, randomise, skip_points, ::Type{I}, rng) where {I} -> Vector{I}
get_insertion_order(tri::Triangulation, randomise, skip_points, rng) -> Vector{I}

Gets the insertion order for points into a triangulation.


  • points: The points to insert.
  • randomise: If true, then the insertion order is randomised. Otherwise, the insertion order is the same as the order of the points.
  • skip_points: The points to skip.
  • I::Type{I}: The type of the vertices.
  • rng::Random.AbstractRNG: The random number generator to use.


  • order: The order to insert the points in.
Mutation of `order`

This order might be mutated (by circshift!) in get_initial_triangle.

num_neighbours(G::Graph, u) -> Integer

Returns the number of neighbours of u in G.

num_neighbours(tri::Triangulation, u) -> Integer

Returns the number of neighbours of u in tri. Note that, if has_ghost_triangles(tri), then some of the neighbours counted might be ghost vertices if u is a boundary vertex.

validate_triangulation(tri::Triangulation; print_result=true, predicates::AbstractPredicateKernel=ExactKernel()) -> Bool

Tests if tri is a valid Triangulation. Returns true if so, and false otherwise. If print_result=true and tri is not a valid triangulation, all the issues with tri will be printed.

Use the predicates keyword argument to control the method used for computing predicates. Can be one of FastKernel, ExactKernel, and AdaptiveKernel. See the documentation for a further discussion of these methods.
