
TL;DR: If you read nothing else, read this

The most common use case for this package is plotting iso lines. Here's a complete example that lets you do that, while showing off all of the most important features of the package:

for cl in levels(contours(x,y,z))
    lvl = level(cl) # the z-value of this contour level
    for line in lines(cl)
        xs, ys = coordinates(line) # coordinates of this line segment
        plot(xs, ys, color=lvl) # pseuod-code; use whatever plotting package you prefer

Preface: some test data...

The Contour module expects input data to be on a Cartesian grid, and supports both uniform and non-uniform grid spacings. For the following examples, x and y are 1D sorted arrays that contain the grid coordinates, and z is a matrix arranged such that z[xi,yi] correspond to the location (x[xi], y[yi]).

Let's consider the function $z(x,y) = x^2 + y^2$:

x = -3:0.01:3
y = -4:0.02:5

z = [Float64((xi^2 + yi^2)) for xi in x, yi in y]
nothing # hide

x and y don't have to be evenly spaced - they can just as well be (sorted) arrays of coordinate values.

Example: plotting isolines

Usually, you'll start by calling contours:

c = contours(x,y,z)

The package is designed so that you shouldn't have to worry about the types of the outputs - instead, there are functions that let you extract the data you need. So, instead of simply returning a Vector{ContourLevel}, we return a special object which supports the levels function. levels in turn returns an iterable, where each item represents a contour level:

for cl in levels(c)
    # do something

On each level (cl in the snippet above) there are two pieces of information that can be of interest. You find the $z$-value of the isoline with the level function, while lines yields an iterable collection of line segments (remember that there might be more than one isoline for a given $z$-value):

level(cl) # the z-value of the current isoline collection
lines(cl) # an iterable collection of isolines

This contour level only had one line. An isoline is represented as a sequence of vertices, which either starts and ends at the boundaries of the data set, or closes on itself, in which case the first and last points are equal.

The $x$- and $y$-coordinates of an isoline can be extracted using the coordinates or vertices functions:

l = first(lines(cl))
xs, ys = coordinates(l)
x_y_pairs = vertices(l)

Now we understand all the parts of the plotting example at the top:

for cl in levels(contours(x,y,z))
    lvl = level(cl) # the z-value of this contour level
    for line in lines(cl)
        xs, ys = coordinates(line) # coordinates of this line segment
        plot(xs, ys, color=lvl) # pseuod-code; use whatever plotting package you prefer

Affecting the choice of contour levels

There are several ways to affect the choice of contour levels.

First, you can specify them manually:

contours(x, y, z, [2,3])

You can also just specify the number of levels you want, and let the package choose them:

contours(x, y, z, 2)

The package uses Contour.contourlevels to choose the levels, so it's entirely possible to investigate what levels would be traced without doing any plotting:

Contour.contourlevels(z, 4)

If you only want a single contour level, use the contour function directly - its fourth parameter is the $z$-value at which to trace the isolines:

contour(x, y, z, 2.3)